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One of the best repartees ever made, because the briefest and the justest, was made by "the gorgeous Lady Blessington" to Napoleon III. When Prince Louis Napoleon was living in impecunious exile in London he had been a constant guest at Lady Blessington's hospitable and brilliant but Bohemian house. And she, when visiting Paris after the coup d'état naturally expected to receive at the Tuileries some return for the unbounded hospitalities of Gore House. Weeks passed, no invitation arrived, and the Imperial Court took no notice of Lady Blessington's presence. At length she encountered the Emperor at a great reception. As he passed through the bowing and curtsying crowd, the Emperor caught sight of his former hostess. "Ah, Miladi Blessington! Restez-vous longtemps

A Positivist poet or if that be a contradiction in terms, let us say a Positivist who wrote verses once composed an appeal to the fair sex, beginning with the words: "Pourquoi, O femmes, restez-vous en arriere?" The question might have been addressed to the women in these Finnish villages.

In Louis Napoleon Bonaparte her blood and mine commingle. Restez-vous, mon patrie; Napoleon shall decide aright. No, petit garçon, Napoleon le Grand will place you upon the highest pinnacle of peace. Fate is inexorable. The decrees of destiny are more potent than the wisdom of man. France and Napoleon are indissoluble. The star of Bonaparte is destined to shine yet for the next half-century.