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Then look at the lady auctioneer selling brass sovereigns a penny apiece. "Buy one, gentlemen, and see what they're like, so as the 'bookies' can't pawse 'em on ye unawares!" "Food enough!" Yes, at Margett's, Patton's, Hatton's, and "The Three Brooms," as well as the barrows for stewed eels, hard-boiled eggs, trotters, coker-nuts, winkles, oysters, cockles, and all the luxuries of the New Cut.

There is little doubt that it was a fit of sarcasm that induced Tammas to marry a gypsy lassie. Mr. Byars would not join them, so Tammas had himself married by Jimmy Pawse, the gay little gypsy king, and after that the minister remarried them.

Their occupants, though they went by the name of gypsies among themselves, were known to the weavers as the Claypots beggars; and their King was Jimmy Pawse. His regal dignity gave Jimmy the right to seek alms first when he chose to do so; thus he got the cream of a place before his subjects set to work.

Their occupants, though they went by the name of gypsies among themselves, were known to the weavers as the Claypots beggars; and their King was Jimmy Pawse. His regal dignity gave Jimmy the right to seek alms first when he chose to do so; thus he got the cream of a place before his subjects set to work.

There is little doubt that it was a fit of sarcasm that induced Tammas to marry a gypsy lassie. Mr. Byars would not join them, so Tammas had himself married by Jimmy Pawse, the gay little gypsy king, and after that the minister re-married them.

Or. Pawse, I beseech you, And while you gather breath to fill the Trumpet Of your deserts give me leave to deliver A litle for the States and mine owne honour. We have heard a glorious Catalogue of your vertues But not one vice or slip of yours rememberd; But I will help your memory: who was he That gave intelligence of my sodaine comming To surprize Antwerpe?