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"Really," was her answer, "you see we have just received our fall fashions, and it is not the fall style this year to give and take hands after an absence." "A-h! how popular that will be with poor masculines! Is that to be worn by all of you?" "I don't know," said Kate; "it is not fall with some of us yet."

Nay, masculines, you have thus taxed us long; But she, though dead, will vindicate our wrong. Let such as say our sex is void of reason, Know 'tis a slander now, but once was treason.

She had not succeeded in capturing a husband yet, but it seemed quite possible with all this influx of masculines. The glowing and attractive description of "Fairemount" given before, as a place "where no woman need go without a husband," had not held good of late years. The supper was in keeping with all the rest.

"'Tis Sir John Penwick's daughter, Mistress Katherine Penwick, my father's ward," and he led her to their midst. "She is a wondrous beauty," many murmured as they saw her. "Dazzling, by God!" whispered some of the masculines that stood apart, and there were others that spoke not a word, but stood spell-bound at her majestic mien.

All ending in N, P, S, or in the two compounds of this last, PS and X, are masculines. All ending in the invariably long vowels, H and O, and in A among the vowels that may be long, are feminines. So that there is an equal number of masculine and feminine terminations, as PS and X are the same as S, and need not be counted. The perfection of Diction is for it to be at once clear and not mean.