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The ability to foretell future events by the flight or calls of birds, actions of animals, by the condition of the liver and gall of sacrificed pigs, or by the movements of certain articles under the questioning of a medium, is an undoubted fact in this society. A small bird known as labeg, is the messenger of the spirits, who control the Bakid and Sangásang ceremonies.

When Aponitolau could not make him eat he went home again, and Kanag used magic and he became a labeg. Aponitolau said to Aponibolinayen, "I wonder why Kanag does not like to eat." "I think he is sorrowful, because he was sent to watch the mountain rice." "What is the reason that you sent him to the field when the fences are strong and no wild pigs can get in," said Aponibolinayen.

As soon as they chewed they saw that it was good for them to marry, for they both had magical power and Kanag told his name first and said, "My name is Kanag Kabagbagowan, who is the son of Aponitolau and Aponibolinayen of Kadalayapan, who did not like him, and they sent him to watch their mountain rice, and he became a bird which is a labeg."

As before, the snake went to climb the pole with which they made the house, and they removed again. When they were digging again where they made the poles stand with which they made the house, the labeg skimmed over, and as they had a bad sign the Ipogau moved again the poles with which they made the house.