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I have planned what I must do; in the first place, I will rebuild the grodek." "Do you mean to do that?" asked Macko, "Well, and when the grodek is finished?" "When the grodek is rebuilt, then I will go to Warszawa to the prince's court, or to Ciechanow." "After my death?"

Finally he pledged the land to his relative, the abbot, and with Zbyszko who was small, he went to Lithuania to fight against the Germans. But he had never forgotten about Bogdaniec. He went to Litwa hoping to become rich from booty so as to return to Bogdaniec, redeem the land from his pledge, colonize it with slaves, rebuild the grodek and settle Zbyszko on it.

The Russians began to evacuate Lemberg about June 17, 1915, the day Von Mackensen's right entered Javorov. On the 19th his advance guard was approaching Rawa-Ruska. Boehm-Ermolli was meanwhile undergoing severe punishment near Komarno, where an Austrian advance force endeavored to get through the Grodek Lakes.

"They attacked me; but half a day later he attacked them and hardly half of them escaped. He took me with him to the grodek and then to Spychow. I fought with death for three weeks. God did not let me die and although I am not well yet, I have returned." "Then you have not been in Malborg?" "On what would I ride? They robbed me of everything and they took the letter with the other things.