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Mix together, to your taste, minced garlic, scraped horseradish, bruised mustard seed, and cloves; and a little ginger-root soaked in water to soften, and then sliced. Fill the cavity of the peaches with this mixture. Then tie them round with packthread, and put them into a stone jar till it is two-thirds full. Strew among them some whole cloves, broken cinnamon, and a little cochineal.

I remember the time when I thought that the ocean was really imprisoned somewhere within that narrow aperture. We were accustomed to seeing barrels full of cocoa-nuts rolled about; and there were jars of preserved tropical fruits, tamarinds, ginger-root, and other spicy appetizers, almost as common as barberries and cranberries, in the cupboards of most housekeepers.

The following has also been found efficacious: sulphate of magnesia, eight ounces; nitrate of potash and pulverized Jamaica ginger-root, of each one ounce. Repeat as often as may be required. Apply externally the following ointment to the sides; biniodide of mercury, four drachms; castor-oil, half an ounce; lard, four ounces; mix for use. Preventive measures. 1st.

"Shouldn't wonder," interrupted the captain, "if the damned Irish traitor was lynched by this time." Madam Blennerhassett looked around imploringly and supplicated: "I am alone here with my poor children. Will no one take our part? Is there not one man here who will defend me?" A drawling voice responded: "By ginger-root, there is sich a man. Blast you, you forward skunks, git out of this!