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Some excitemint was created durin' th' talk be th' dillygate fr'm th' cannybal islands who proposed that prisoners-iv-war be eaten. Th' German dillygate thought that this was carryin' a specyal gift iv wan power too far. It wud give th' cannybal islands a distinct advantage in case iv war, as Europeen sojers were accustomed to horses.

He can assume the initiative in pourparlers, however uncompromising the outlook; frame plausible proposals; conciliate his opponents by showing how thoroughly he understands and appreciates their point of view, and by these means he has often worked out seemingly hopeless negotiations to a satisfactory issue. M. Clemenceau wrote of him, "C'est un grand Européen."

'We're all profissors iv colledges or lawyers whin we're home, he says. 'Is it war to shoot my aunt? says th' dillygate fr'm Chiny. Cries iv 'No, no. 'Is it war to hook me father's best hat that he left behind whin he bashfully hurrid away to escape th' attintions iv Europeen sojery? he says. 'Is robbery war? says he. 'Robbery is a nicissry part iv war, says th' English dillygate.

What is practically the Syndicalist program was advocated by a French delegate to the Congress of the International at Bale in that same year. And also in Italy. A good, short account of the Italian movement is given by A. Lanzillo, ``Le Mouvement Ouvrier en Italie, Bibliotheque du Mouvement Proletarien. See also Paul Louis, ``Le Syndicalisme Europeen, chap. vi.