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As a matter of fact, Pig Head's farm never grew anything more than some clinging heather, a little cross-leaved heath, patches of furze, a clump of storm-bent Scotch firs or so, and rock mostly rock.

BRANCHING LARKSPUR. The petals bruised yield a fine blue pigment, and with alum make a permanent blue ink. FRAXINUS excelsior. MANNA. The bark immersed in water gives a blue colour. GALIUM boreale. CROSS-LEAVED BEDSTRAW. The roots yield a beautiful red, if treated as madder. GALIUM verum. YELLOW BEDSTRAW. The flowers treated with alum produce a fine yellow on woollen. The roots, a good red.

E. TETRALIX. Cross-leaved Heath. A native species of low, and bushy growth, with close umbels or terminal clusters of pretty pinky flowers. The varieties of this most worthy of notice are E. Tetralix alba, white flowered; E. Tetralix Mackiana, crimson flowered; E. Tetralix rubra, deep red flowers; and E. Tetralixbicolor, with parti-coloured flowers. E. VAGANS.. Cornish Heath.

Out of fear of them she did not descend at once to the river, but pushed her way through the sweet-smelling, bee-haunted, cross-leaved heaths; she could hear the sound of the water on her right all the time as she went. She knew little of this country, but she had seen the Edera, and had crossed it farther up its course on one of its rough tree-bridges.