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Convoys were sent afield with insufficient escorts to run the gauntlet of ever watchful and alert Boer commandants; Intelligence news qualified by the reports of untrustworthy native spies was transmitted circumferentially from column to column, with the result that the leader to whom it was of the most importance was sometimes the last to receive it; the scouting and patrol work was casual and rash.

This hand-wheel was located in the cab, where it was easily accessible.... "The rough outline sketched below shows the location of motor in relation to counter-shaft, belting, driving-wheels, idler, etc.: "On account of both rails being used for circuits, . . . the driving-wheels had to be split circumferentially and completely insulated from the axles.

Outside the circle of piles there was, at a distance of 12 to 14 feet, another wooden structure in the shape of a broad ring of horizontal beams and piles which surrounded the central area. The breadth of this outer ring was 7 feet, and it consisted of some nine rows of beams running circumferentially.

His seven-foot manifestations of respect for the deceased were a sight to see. This crease, then, was one of Saunders's assets, and had therefore to be carefully attended to. "Sae after that, I shall tak' her roun' the waist, juist like this " said he, insinuating his left arm circumferentially.