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I was just as certain, when I saw that fine, high-colored youth at the upper right-hand corner of our table, that there would appear some fitting feminine counterpart to him, as if I had been a clairvoyant, seeing it all beforehand. I have a fancy that those Marylanders are just about near enough to the sun to ripen well. How some of us fellows remember Joe and Harry, Baltimoreans, both!

I sent him some corn-meal this morning and he sent me some butter a mutual interchange of good things. There are but few of your acquaintances in this army. I find here in the ranks of one company Henry Tiffany. The company is composed principally of Baltimoreans George Lemmon and Douglas Mercer are in it. It is a very find company, well drilled and well instructed.

I was just as certain, when I saw that fine, high-colored youth at the upper right-hand corner of our table, that there would appear some fitting feminine counterpart to him, as if I had been a clairvoyant, seeing it all beforehand. I have a fancy that those Marylanders are just about near enough to the sun to ripen well. How some of us fellows remember Joe and Harry, Baltimoreans, both!

Millions of logs will be brought on that road and manufactured for shipment to Northern markets. The company consists principally of Baltimoreans, who will reap a harvest commensurate with the capital invested. And in many instances it is owing to the mature judgment of President Camp that the efforts to establish this great enterprise has been crowned with such signal success.