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In the following year acupuncturation was tried without success in the same school. Four horses and two dogs were operated upon in vain. It is tasteless, inodorous and free from every stimulating quality.

He failed with another dog; but M. Prevost, of Geneva, relieved two mares from rheumatism, and an entire horse that had been lame sixteen months. In the Veterinary School at Lyons acupuncturation was tried on two dogs. One had chorea, and the other chronic paralysis of the muscles of the neck. The operation had no effect on the first; the other came out of the hospital completely cured.

Her Majesty, with beautiful art, in this Letter, smooths the raven plumage of Vota; and, at the same time, throws into him, as with invisible needle-points, an excellent dose of acupuncturation, on the subject of the Primitive Fathers and the Ecumenic Councils, on her own score. Let us give some Excerpt, in condensed state: "How can St. The great St. Paris." And Jerome's answer, "Ibid.

'Acupuncturation' is a practice lately introduced into veterinary surgery. It denotes the insertion of a needle into the skin or flesh of a person or animal suffering severely from some neuralgic affection. The needle is small and sharp: it is introduced by a slight pressure and semi-rotating motion between the thumb and forefinger, and afterwards withdrawn with the same motion.

Blisters to the spine, setons, electricity, acupuncturation, &c. 'Treatment of chronic rheumatism' warm baths are useful, and warm housing absolutely necessary, attention to diet, and an occasional purge of blue mass and aloes, together with electricity, acupuncture, rubefacient applications to the spine, &c.