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Daudet says in "Trente Ans de Paris," page 142, that the home of the real Tartarin was five or six miles from Tarascon on the other side of the Rhone.

Ici, Cap entra dans une réelle fureur: Je vous demande deux autres citrons!... Entendez-vous? Deux autres citrons! Deux autres! Non point two more, mais bien two other! Des citrons autres! Vous me f...-l

Old Egypt's king Cheops erected the first pyramid And largest, thinking it was just the thing To keep his memory whole, and mummy hid, But somebody or other rummaging, Burglariously broke his coffin's lid: Let not a monument give you or me hopes Since not a pinch of dust remains of Cheops.

On the other hand he felt that there could be no good taste in dwelling upon the virtue and the merit of a man's own acquaintance in an assembly like that of their Lordships; yet he trusted that he might be allowed to observe that forty years acquaintance with the noble individual who had been alluded to, enabled him to bear his testimony to the fact, that although those forty years had been passed during a time peculiarly fraught with calumnies of every description, there had been no man's private character more shamefully traduced, and no man's public character more mistaken and misrepresented, than the private and public character of prince de Talleyrand.