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That the Mohawks living at a distance from the sea, have little intercourse with these parts, but in the war the English had with the Pequods, 14 or 16 years before, the Mohawks shewed a real respect and had offered no hostilities since.

They could earn scarcely enough to satisfy their most pressing needs, but both were happy, since they were in Paris. Before Alphonse's arrival Ernest had secured regular employment on a newspaper. Alphonse was longing for recognition as a poet, but to earn his living he was forced to turn to prose. His contributions to Le Figaro and other newspapers soon made him known.

The Pilgrim of Eternity, whose fame Over his living head like heaven is bent An early but enduring monument, Came veiling all the lightnings of his song In sorrow.

1 4 habitait: 'was living in. Be careful to give the imperfect its progressive force wherever possible. 1 6: devant: adverb, 'in front'; cf. derrière in this sentence, dessus 24 1, 46 12, depuis 56 32, autour 79 15.

56 12 Barbarin: when this work first appeared in serial form Tartarin was called "Barbarin." The name was changed when Daudet discovered that a family named Barbarin was living at Tarascon. See Introduction. The word tartarin means the sacred or Arabian baboon. 56 13 souffla: 'prompted. Souffler, 'to blow, 'to breathe, in theatrical parlance means 'to prompt. Le souffleur is 'the prompter.