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Were the leading character what her name implies a humble servant and were the other characters of her rank, the play might well be classed as a comedia de costumbres; but that it belongs to the larger class is established by the fact that the intrigue is complicated, the question of love and rank is prominent, and the characters are of the nobility.

Manrique is a selfish and ambitious man, who well deserves his fate. Nuño is unscrupulous and weak, but the weakest character of all is that of Leonor, who, knowing her duty, has neither strength nor will to accomplish it. Azucena is really the most interesting character in the play.

The increasing study of Spanish in high schools and colleges has made necessary the preparation of a text of a simpler character than those now in common use. In the present text, especially in the first selections, the language has been simplified so that reading may be begun at a very early stage in the pupil's work.

The vast number of the works of Lope de Vega renders the task of selecting one of them as an appropriate text for publication very difficult, and it is only after having examined a large number of the works of the great poet that the editor has chosen La Moza de Cántaro, not only because it is one of the author's most interesting comedies, but also because it stands forth prominently in the field in which he is preëminent the interpretation of Spanish life and character.