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If these tears are extensive they should be repaired, as it is certain that malignant growths frequently do follow local injuries and traumatisms. Any irregular or profuse bleeding demands an immediate investigation by means of a local examination. A stormy, irregular, or delayed menopause should excite in the woman a suspicion of some abnormal condition.

Recognition of this principle thus gave the experimenter a new weapon of great efficiency in tracing nervous connections. Moreover, the same principle has wide application in case of the human subject in disease, such as the lesion of nerve tracts or the destruction of centres by localized tumors, by embolisms, or by traumatisms.

Puncture wounds of any kind may serve to perforate the joint capsule and such traumatisms are occasioned by falls, kicks and in various ways in runaway accidents, and open carpal joint may follow. Symptomatology. The pathognomonic symptoms of the existence of an open joint is the exposure to view of articular surfaces of bones or noting the escape of synovia from the joint capsule.

Consequently, lymphangitis may be considered as infectious and non-infectious. Etiology and Occurrence. Traumatisms of the legs frequently result in infection and when such injuries are near lymph glands, even though the degree of infection be slight, more or less disturbance of function of the muscles in the vicinity of such glands occurs and lameness follows.

It is the concensus of opinion of the medical profession that cancer of the uterus is one of the common causes of death among women; that the cancer rate of mortality has increased during the last four decades; that it is most common near the time of the menopause; and that there is a direct causal relation between cancer of the neck of the womb and the traumatisms which occur during childbirth.