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"An' I wish you joy av the perjury," sez she, duckin' a curtsey. "You've lost a woman that would ha' wore her hand to the bone for your pleasure; an' 'deed, Terence, ye were not thrapped..." Lascelles must ha' spoken plain to her. "I am such as Dinah is 'deed I am! Ye've lost a fool av a girl that'll niver look at you again, an' ye've lost what he niver had, your common honesty.

'An' I wish you joy av the perjury, sez she, duckin' a curtsey. 'You've lost a woman that would ha' wore her hand to the bone for your pleasure; an' 'deed, Terence, ye were not thrapped.... Lascelles must ha' spoken plain to her. 'I am such as Dinah is 'deed I am! Ye've lost a fool av a girl that'll niver look at you again, an' ye've lost what ye niver had, your common honesty.

Yis, low be it sphoken, but 'thrapped' 's the wurrud," said the old woman, raising her voice to give emphasis that told a lurid tale. At this moment the door opened and in came Biddy, and as she was the daughter of the unspeakable Kitty the conversation turned.

Thin Oi says, says Oi, 'O'Toole, ye miserable divvil, av ye don't git aven wid thot foine young gint, ye ought to be hanged fer a shnake. Oi knew ye would be thrapped thot same noight, Misther Merriwell, an' Oi rode loike th' ould bhoy to cut yez off an' get me finger in the poie. You remimber pwhat happened."

'You've been thrapped, sez he. 'Ju Sheehy wud be the betther for a man's name to hers as soon as can. An' ye thought ye'd put the comether on her, that's the natural vanity of the baste. Terence, you're a big born fool, but you're not bad enough to marry into that comp'ny.

"You've the head av a drowned man on your shoulders," sez he; "an' you're goin' where you'll get a worse wan. Come back," sez he. "Let me go," sez I. "I've thrown my luck over the wall wid my own hand!" "Then that's not the way to get ut back again," sez he. "Have out wid your throuble, ye fool-bhoy." An' I tould him how the matther was. 'He sucked in his lower lip. "You've been thrapped," sez he.

Better broom was niver made, an' there niver wus ony other in th' famb'ly till he married that Kitty Connor, the lowest av the low, an' it's meself was all agin her, wid her proide an' her dirthy sthuck-up ways' nothin' but boughten things wuz good enough fur her, her that niver had a dacint male till she thrapped moi Larry.

When his ship went into dock, there was not a mast, yard, sail, or any part of the rigging, but what stood in need of repair, having been cut to pieces with shot. The hull was so damaged that it had for some time been secured by cables, which were served or thrapped round it.

He came close to ut wanst or twice, but caught he niver was, an' that cost him more at the ind than the beginnin'. He talked to me more than most, bekaze he tould me, barrin' the accident av my educashin, I'd ha' been the same kind av divil he was. 'An' is ut like, he wud say, houldin' his head high 'is ut like that I'd iver be thrapped? For fwhat am I when all's said an' done? he sez.