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And she flung open the door of her best parlor, where the new boughten carpet was, for the damp feet and the dripping waterproof. "No, indeed; not there; we couldn't have the conscience." "'Tain't very comfortable either, after all," said Mrs. Jeffords, changing her own mind in a bustle. "It's been kinder shut up. Come right out to the sittin'-room-fire finally." Mr.

The home-made candles and decorations were pronounced to be as good as the "boughten ones." And the candy what a miracle worker this sober-laughing, ruddy-haired young fellow was! Carlia could not resist the spirit of cheer. She smiled with the older people and laughed with the children. How good it was to laugh again, she thought. When the tree was fully ablaze, all, with the exception of Mr.

A "sure 'nough" fishhook took the place of the bent pin and a real "boughten" line, with a sinker, was tied to the hook though he still used the slender willow rods.

It is only fair to say that I had risen by this time to the dignity of "boughten shirts," linen collars and "Congress gaiters," and my suit purchased for graduating purposes was of black diagonal with a long tail, a garment which fitted me reasonably well.

"Modern history don't seem to favor the scheme " But his axent wuz as weak as a cat and his boughten smile seemed crackin' and wearin' out; he knowed better. Sez I, "We won't argy long on that p'int, for I might overwhelm you if I approved of overwhelmin', but, will merely ask you to cast one eye on England.

No, it's because it has a kind of motherly perfume not too young, you understand something kind of seasoned and wholesome and dependable jest like a mother. The schoolmaster's bride always kept it among her handkerchiefs. You might put that little bunch among yours, Mistress Blythe. I don't like these boughten scents but a whiff of sweet-grass belongs anywhere a lady does."

"I'll have to count them, so as to tell her how many there are; for I don't believe that by herself she could imagine such a lot of dolls together." Katy and Ellie had never had a doll in their lives, that is, a real boughten one, as they called those not of home manufacture. The kind salesgirl who had sent the orange to Ellie, from her post behind the counter, noticed the child's wonderment.

He wuz some bald-headed, and wore a large smile all the while, it looked like a boughten one that didn't fit him, but I won't say it wuz. I presoom he'll be known by this description. But his baldness didn't look to me like Josiah Allen's baldness, and he didn't have the noble linement of the President, no indeed.

"He'll never succeed," said the other explosively. "Frank Heney's not that kind. He'll fight on till he drops.... But I hate to see those boughten lawyers ragging him in court." Langdon, more phlegmatic of temperament, stood the gaff with less apparent friction. Hiram Johnson gave aid now and then which was always of value.

I stood by the door-side looking very foolish, I dare say, for I knew not what to do with myself. My legs encased in the tow breeches felt as if they were on fire. My timidity was increased by the fact that many were observing me and that my appearance seemed to inspire sundry, sly remarks. I saw that most of the village boys wore boughten clothes and fine boots.