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Get into the rear car, and if you show your cowardly mug around here again, I'll kick you clean up through the top of your hat! You hear my promise, I opine." Murillo heard it, and he kept on going until he had vanished from the car. Barney Mulloy fairly quivered with laughter. "Be heavins, Badger," he chuckled, "ye know how to handle a shnake! It's a relation to St.

Thin Oi says, says Oi, 'O'Toole, ye miserable divvil, av ye don't git aven wid thot foine young gint, ye ought to be hanged fer a shnake. Oi knew ye would be thrapped thot same noight, Misther Merriwell, an' Oi rode loike th' ould bhoy to cut yez off an' get me finger in the poie. You remimber pwhat happened."

'I gum my eye upon der Sherman Flag, grawlin' und grawlin' in Reingelder's fist, und der het vas not der het of innocence. "Mein Gott," I said. "It is you dot will get der sack der sack from dis life here pelow!" "Den you may haf der shnake," says Reingelder, pattin' it ubon her het. "See now, I will show you vat Yates haf written!"

'Sich a bloody nose I never seen before, grinned Larry rubbing his hands over the exquisite remembrance. 'If you only seed him, flat on his back, the great ould shnake, wid his knees and his hands up bawling murdher; an' his big white face and his bloody nose in the middle, like nothin' in nature, bedad, but the ace iv hearts in a dirty pack.

Becoming, at last, thoroughly angry, I seized the boy by the collar, and gave him such a shaking that I finally succeeded in getting an answer to the question, as to what was the matter. "Mather!" roared Patsey. "Mather enuff, God knows! Shnakes is the mather!" making a desperate dive down into the leg of his pants. "I'm bited to death wid a shnake, so I am. Can't yez all sae I'm a did mon?"

"Nein," said Reingelder, "I will der shnake alife examine. Dere is no fear. Der coral-shnakes are mitout shting-apparatus brofided." Boot I looked at her het, und she vas der het of a boison-shnake der true viper cranium, narrow und contract. "It is not goot," said I, "she may bite und den we are tree hoondert mile from aferywheres. Broduce der alcohol und bickle him alife."