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While Dorothy nodded absently and plaited the edges of her lace apron, and looked at me under lowered lashes. And Benny lisped on: "Theven timeth nine ith theventy-thix; theven " "Stop that nonsense!" burst out Sir Lupus. "Take 'em away, Cecile! Take 'em out o' my sight!"

"That doesn't sound quite right to me," said Sir Lupus, wrinkling his brows and counting on his fingers. "Is that the answer, Dorothy?" "I don't know," she murmured, eyes fixed on me. Sir Lupus glared at Dorothy, then at me. Then he stuffed his pipe full of tobacco and sat in grim silence while Benny repeated: "Theven timeth theven ith theventy-theven; theven timeth eight ith thixty-thix."

"Then bring something to eat bring it to the gun-room instantly something for Captain Ormond and a bottle of Sir Lupus's own claret and two glasses " "Three glasses!" cried Ruyven. "Four!" "Five!" shouted Harry and Cecile. "Six!" added Samuel; and little Benny piped out, "Theven!" "Then bring two bottles, Cato," called out Dorothy. "I want some small-beer!" protested Benny.

Johnny turned his feverishly bright eyes from the lantern to the master and back again. "What is it, Johnny boy?" asked the master tenderly. "Were you lost?" With a gleam of feverish exaltation, Johnny rose, albeit wanderingly, to the occasion! "Hit!" he lisped feebly, "Hit in a doell! at the age of theven." "What!" asked the bewildered master.