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Updated: August 11, 2024

Esdras of Granado not content to haue rauisht the matrone Heraclide and robd her, after he had betooke hym from thence to his heeles, light on his companion Bartol with his curtizan: whose pleasing face hee had scarce winkingly glaunc'd on, but hee pickt a quarrell with Bartoll to haue her from him.

Can a man Robd of a Jewell deare to him as breath Affect the theife, O murdresse? for that title Best suites thy impious quality, since thy curse, Thy cruell curse, imposd uppon my love, Has massacred two of the faithfulst hearts Affection ere united. Though your lust Desir'd smooth youth to sate it, piety Might have reclamd you for attempting me, Your daughter's interest. Enter Alexan. Lady.

This makes him count the Soldier As his owne creature, and to arrogate All prosperous proceedings to himself; Detracts from you and all men, you scarce holding The second place. Bar. When I gave him the first: I robd myself, for it was justly mine.

Haue I liu'd to make my husbands bodie the beere to carry me to hell, had filthie pleasure no other pillowe to leane vpon but his spreaded limmes? On thy flesh my fault shall bee imprinted at the day of resurrection. O beauty, the bait ordained to insnare the irreligious: rich men are robd for theyr welth, women are dishonested for being too faire.

I am thy vassall; servant is for porters, watermen & lacquies, & is no witt neither. You preserve your tropes and your elegancies? What fancies doe adorne to-day? If I were a Constable I might apprehend you for suspition you had robd a pedlar. Does this thatchd cottage head hold still in fashion? What paid you for this dead mans hair?

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