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It is fairly plain that they are rectangular 'insulae', of either Roman or Hellenic type, while the general fashion of the town and of its monuments suggest a Greek rather than an Italian city. Professor A.S. Hunt refers me to the following papyri: Reinach, 49. 11; Oxyrhynchus, 1110. 9-10 and note there; Brit.

The evidence of literature is supported by such letters as this from a husband at Oxyrhynchus: 'When good luck to you your child is born, if it is a male, let it live; if a female, expose it. Besides infanticide, abortion was freely practised, and without blame. The Greek citizen married rather late; but as his bride was usually in her 'teens this would not affect the birth-rate.

It is one of the spider crabs, or Oxyrhynchus, most of which have long horns projecting from the rostrum, and are more or less thickly covered with stiff curled setae, to which seaweeds, sponges, and other marine growths selected according to the taste of the bearer are attached.

It will at least convey the quickness of my observations. In the midst of the watery mass, brightly lit by our electric beams, there snaked past those one-meter lampreys that are common to nearly every clime. A type of ray from the genus Oxyrhynchus, five feet wide, had a white belly with a spotted, ash-gray back and was carried along by the currents like a huge, wide-open shawl.

Set is the god of Oxyrhynchus, Neith of Sais, but more gods than one are worshipped in each nome. Generally there are three; in many places there is an ennead, a nine of gods, but the nine is a round number; there might be one or two less or more.