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But the large size of the cultures required for the counting of numerous groups of offspring in the adult state has deterred me from making such trials. Recently however, I have discovered a species, Viscaria oculata which allows of counting twisted specimens in the pans, and I may soon be able to obtain proofs of this assertion.

Suppose I am causing disaster to the Empire? I keep thinking all that. Do you wonder that I think of suicide, of hanging myself, like the two Oculatas?" "My child!" Aurelius cut in. "You have not done anything that justifies your comparing yourself to the Oculata sisters." "We'll come back to that later," Brinnaria replied. "Just now let us stick to the point.

Suppose I am as detestable in the sight of my Goddess as the Oculata sisters were, and for a similar reason; suppose I ought to hang myself as dead as they hanged themselves. Oughtn't I, then, to hang myself?" "You incredible creature !" Aurelius cried. "I've met women by the thousand, by the tens of thousands, but never a girl like you. What do you mean? What can you mean?

The Sweet William or Dianthus barbatus affords another instance; it is very interesting because a twisted race is available, which may produce thousands of instances developed in all imaginable degrees, in a single lot of plants. Viscaria oculata is another instance belonging to the same family. I have found them myself in Holland on Galium verum and G. Aparine.

The double race is as permanent, and in this sense as constant, as any ordinary simple variety, both in external form, and in its intimate hereditary qualities. I have succeeded in discovering some other rich races of twisted plants. My other race is a twisted variety of Viscaria oculata, which is still in cultivation, as it has the very consistent quality of being an annual.