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The Stanford Universities Digital Libraries Project deals primarily with computing literature, with a strong focus on networked information sources. "The Initiative's focus is to dramatically advance the means to collect, store, and organize information in digital forms, and make it available for searching, retrieval, and processing via communication networks all in user-friendly ways."

Remittances, returning expatriates, thriving and networked Diasporas would do more to uplift the countries of origin than any amount of oft-misallocated multilateral aid. This cornucopian vision is threatened from numerous sides.

There is, of course, a vast amount of networked information on libraries, initially from North American sources but now increasingly from Europe and the rest of the world. And last but not least, concerted efforts in the area of public libraries, have added a wealth of accessible resources in a wide variety of languages."

"I recently dreamt that seven of the nineteen flew around me like witches." Rama nodded. "Recently," he said, "they have networked and conspired to murder Jack Kukulan." Several months later, Rama gave Karen a "Warrior's task." He told her to call and instruct each of the nineteen to attend a private meeting.

Updated in December 11, 1998, the introduction of Internet and the Library Sphere: Further progress for European Libraries specifies: "Public libraries have now established a presence on the Web which compares well with the networked services which have been available for some time from academic libraries and national libraries.