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I was no light weight mysilf, an' my men were mortial anxious to dhrop me under a great big archway promiscuously ornamented wid the most improper carvin's an' cuttin's I iver saw. Begad! they made me blush like a like a Maharanee. 'The temple of Prithi-Devi, I murmured, remembering the monstrous horrors of that sculptured archway at Benares. 'Pretty Devilskins, savin' your presence, sorr!

I was no light weight mysilf, an' my men were mortial anxious to dhrop me under a great big archway promiscuously ornamented wid the most improper carvin's an' cuttin's I iver saw. Begad! they made me blush like a like a Maharanee." "The temple of Prithi-Devi," I murmured, remembering the monstrous horrors of that sculptured archway at Benares. "Pretty Devilskins, savin' your presence, sorr!

I didn't think he'd have the insolince to disturb the Maharanee av Gokral-Seetarun, so I lay still. 'The old cow's asleep, sez he to another. 'Let her be, sez that. ''Twill be long before she has a calf! I might ha' known before he spoke that all a woman prays for in Injia an' for matter o' that in England too is childher.

"Did you work out all this deep plot for yourself?" Tess asked. "I and the gods! The gods of India love intrigue. My father left me as a sort of ward of Jinendra, although my mother tried to make a Christian of me, and I always mistrusted Jinendra's priest. But Jinendra has been good. He shall have two new temples when I am maharanee."

I have sifted the sands of France: now I sift those of England. Here I am held in the greatest kindness and honour imaginable by all whom I meet. Though I am useless as a child yet they are unwearied of me. The nurses in my Maharanee Baharanee's Hospital, which is by day a home and a house to me, minister to me as daughters to a father.