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The case corresponds to that of the famous saying, Astra inclinant, non necessitant, although here the similarity is not complete. Moreover the stars would form only a part of the inclinations that co-operate in the event, but when one speaks of the greater inclination of the will, one speaks of the result of all the inclinations.

Deinde introducuntur elephantes, leones, pardi, simiae, marmotae, et diuersae bestiae, quarum ductores singuli transeuntes inclinant reuerenter, et intente.

Ante primum millenarium procedit copiosa symphonia dulcis chordarum, sicut de violis, cytharis, lyris, et psalterijs, non autem de tubis aut tympanis: et praecedunt Baronis per transuersum Aulae coram residente Domino ordinate bini, et bini sub silentio, ferentes ambabus manibus ante pectus tabulam de Iaspide, ebore, christallo, pyropo, vel Haematisto, et ante faciem throni inclinant se Imperatori profunde.

Et mox singuli in aula inclinato corpore et capite se inclinant maiestati manentes accliui, donec idem philosophus dicat, leuate. Atque protinus super hoc factum, Musici suis instrumentis, suauem personant melodiam.