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Dat lil' cloud, h'it look lak' rain, I hope no. "Here come dat lazy I'ishman down de strit. I don't lak' I'ishman, me, non, dey so funny. One day one I'ishman, he say to me, 'Auntie, what fo' you talk so? and I jes' say back, 'What fo' you say "Faith an' be jabers"? Non, I don' lak I'ishman, me! "Here come de rain! Now I got fo' to go. Didele, she be wait fo' me. Down h'it come!

H'it fall in de Meesseesip, an' fill up up so, clean to de levee, den we have big crivasse, an' po' Tante Marie float away. Bon jour, madame, you come again? Pralines! Pralines!"

"She ees 'fraid, she will work, mais you' charm, h'it weel beat her." And Manuela departed with radiant eyes. Theophile was not at Mass Sunday morning, and murderous glances flashed from Claralie to Manuela before the tinkling of the Host-Bell. Nor did Theophile call at either house.

Presently the tightness in my face relaxed, I moved my lips, smiling vaguely. "In love," I repeated. "Yaas, Mars' Ormon'." "When?" "'Fore yo' know h'it, honey." "Tell me more." "'Spec' ah done tole yo' too much, honey." She looked at me steadily. "Pore Mars' Gawge," she murmured, "'spec' ah done tole yo' too much.

The old man strove to straighten my short queue, but found it hopeless, so tied it close and dusted on the French powder. "Curly head, curly head," he muttered to himself. "Dess lak yo' pap's!... an' Miss Dorry's. Law's sakes, dishyere hair wuf mo'n eight dollar." "You think my hair worth more than eight dollars?" I asked, amused. "H'it sho'ly am, suh." "But why eight dollars, Cato?"

"I give you one lil' charm fo' to ween him back, yaas. You wear h'it 'roun' you' wais', an' he come back. Den you mek prayer at St. Rocque an' burn can'le. Den you come back an' tell me, yaas. Cinquante sous, ma'amzelle. Merci. Good luck go wid you." Readjusting her veil, Manuela passed out the little wicket gate, treading on air.

But me lord, the butler, eyed me with questioning curiosity. "Aw me lad, h'and where did your father get 'is blooming costume?" he asked. "Mother supplied it, good sir," I answered. "Hi say, me lad," he laughed, "your mother h'is a grand lydie, you tike me word for h'it; h'in h'England they would decorate that suit with the h'order h'of the garter!" "Honi soit, qui mal y pense!" I lisped.

"Is that here at Plymouth?" "H'assuredly, sir. H'and h'only a minute's walk h'over to that shed yonder, sir. H'if you'll come with me, young gentlemen, h'I'll show h'it to you. H'it's one of h'our biggest sights, h'and it's in me own custody, at present. Come this way, young gentlemen." "That sounds like something worth seeing," declared Dave to his comrades. "Come along.

As the night came on, the two men were forced to move about to keep from freezing. Tip-toeing along, avoiding heavy glass windows, they conversed in low tones. "We've been h'at h'it now goin' h'on twenty-four 'ours," murmured Jarvis. "H'it's two hundred h'an' forty miles, h'an' h'our course u'd be shorter than a reindeer's.

How did you know I came from the Halifax?" "I knowed it, suh; I knowed h'it muss be dat-away!" "How do you know it, Cato?" "I spec' you favor yo' pap, suh, de ole Kunnel " "My father!" "Mah ole marster, suh; I was raised 'long Matanzas, suh. Spanish man done cotch me on de Tomoka an' ship me to Quebec.