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Compare M. Martin, "Description of the Western Islands of Scotland," in J. Pinkerton's Voyages and Travels, iii. 612 sq.: "There was an ancient custom in the island of Lewis, to make a fiery circle about the houses, corn, cattle, etc., belonging to each particular family: a man carried fire in his right hand, and went round, and it was called dessil, from the right hand, which in the ancient language is called dess.... There is another way of the dessil, or carrying fire round about women before they are churched, after child-bearing; and it is used likewise about children until they are christened; both which are performed in the morning and at night.

"Do it see de stah, Miss Maud, like de wise men o' de Eas' see de stah o' Jesus?" I tried to make plain the law it was obeying. "And do it p'int dah dess de same in de broad day, an' all day long? Pra-aise Gawd! And do it p'int dah in de rain, an' in de stawmy win' a-fulfillin' of his word, when de ain't a single stah admissible in de ske-eye?

All she say when I ast her: 'Nemmine! she say, dess thataway. 'Nemmine! she say. I reckon she ain't goin' tell nobody who give her this dog." "He's certainly a mighty queer-lookin' dog," said Herbert. "I've seen a few like that, but I can't remember where. What kind is he, Kitty Silver?" "Miss Julia tell me he a poogle dog."

Florence cried. "Kitty Silver, where on earth'd this dog come from?" "B'long you' Aunt Julia." "When'd she get him?" "Dess to-day." "Who gave him to her?" "She ain't sayin'." "You mean she won't tell?" "She ain't sayin'," Kitty Silver repeated. "I ast her. I say, I say: 'Miss Julia, ma'am, I say, 'Miss Julia, ma'am, who ever sen' you sech a unlandish-lookin' dog? I say.

They met an old negro driving three yoke of oxen attached to a single empty cart. "Uncle," said the spy, "I don't reckon the boss will mind our sort o' ridin' straight thoo his grove, will he?" "Not 'tall, boss; on'y dess be so kyine an' shet de gates behine you, sah."

They wear white robes and have crowns of gold on their heads and golden harps in their hands." "To make sweet music?" "Yes." "Dey wear white dess?" "Yes." "Do dey button up behind like Elsie's dress?" Violet laughed at that question. "She is very desirous to have her dresses fasten in front like mamma's," she explained in reply to her mother's look of surprised inquiry.

"I wanted to say that this escaped criminal does prove to be Lozcoski, the man I told you of who attempted once to fire the Works. He had heaped kindlings, dipped in kerosene, wherever a bit of woodwork gave opportunity to start a blaze. He was caught by Murfree, and " "I telled her, Doyce," panting with the haste of her precipitate return. "I telled her, and she said 'Umph! but I dess she will.

"Dess regahd yo'se'f, suh, in dishyere lookum-glass. What I done tell you? Look foh yo'se'f, suh! Cap'in Butler gwine see how de quality gemm'n fixes up! Suh John Johnsing he gwine see! Dat ole Kunnel Butler he gwine see, too! Heah yo' is, suh, dess a-bloomin' lak de pink-an'-silver ghos' flower wif de gole heart."

Archie smiled with satisfaction, and proceeded to thatch the sloping roof with moss and bits of bark. Then he grubbed up the green cushion and transferred it bodily to his house. "This'll be my chair," he said to himself. "I dess I don't want any more furnture except just a chair. Loo isa, she said, 'so many things to dust is a bodder." At that moment came a rustling sound in the underbrush.

She rocked him back and forth gently, singing: "Sleep, baby, sleep," the words coming slowly, she was so tired. "The big stars are the sheep, The little ... stars ... are ... the lambs, I guess. The moon ... is ... the ... shepher ... dess, Sleep, Baby ... Sleep ..." Her eyes closed. She nodded, still rocking gently back and forth. After a long time Seth pushed open the door and looked in.