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The heathen magistrate may be a nurse-father, Isa. xlix. 23; 1 Tim. ii. 2, may not be a step-father: may protect the Church, religion, &c., and order many things in a political way about religion; may not extirpate or persecute the Church; may help her in reformation; may not hinder her in reforming herself, convening synods in herself, as in Acts xv., &c., if he will not help her therein; otherwise her condition were better without than with a magistrate.

And so, though Albert Charlton could not have told you what colors would "go together," as the ladies say, he could, none the less, always feel the discord of his mother's dress, as now he felt the beauty of the room and appreciated the genius of Isa, that had made so much out of resources so slender.

The male population discussed the day's doings and the women searched their meagre belongings for appropriate trappings for the next day's festivities. Their resources were limited, and the day being Sunday, added to the difficulty. "You can't," said draggled Peggy Falstar, "put on real gay toggings in a church and on a Sunday." Isa Tate, as leading lady in the place, solved the problem.

Therefore is it necessary, there be both in him that writeth, and in such as read, a single dependence on him, who "is for a leader," Isa. lv. 5, and hath promised to "bring the blind by a way which they know not, and to lead them in paths they had not known, and to make darkness light before them, and crooked things straight," Isa. xlii. 16, that thus by acting faith on him we may find, in so far, the truth of this verified, viz. that he is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

Isa!" resounded in irregular chorus; pebbles and stones came leaping down at the steep parts. As we rose over the brown slopes, the thin forests of olive-trees partly covering the undulating plateau beyond, with fields of barley and wheat here and there, gladdened our eyes, and contrasted well with the hungry country we had left in the rear.

When Abou Isa heard this, he fell a-weeping and lamenting and discovered the trouble and anguish of his soul. Then he raised his eyes to her and sighing, repeated the following: Under my wede there is a wasted body And in my soul an all- absorbing thought. I have a heart, whose suffering is eternal, and eyes with tears like torrents ever fraught.

The breeze strengthened and there was a ripple of water at the bows. Was he saved? The one-eyed person looked more disappointed than pleased, and observed to the Leading Gentleman: "We cannot live to Aden, though the wind hold. We must eat," and he regarded the figure of Moussa Isa critically, appraisingly, with mingled favour and disfavour.

After years, his will be worse than mine he will want what he never had that is, for the time when he could be helped by her wisdom, and genius and piety I have had everything and shall not forget. God bless you, dear friend. I believe I shall set out in a week. Isa goes with me dear, true heart. You, too, would do what you could for us were you here and your assistance needful.

Isa knew that time was of the greatest value, and so, when she had complied with the twentieth unreasonable exaction of the sick woman, and was just about to hear the twenty-first, she suddenly opened the door of Mrs. Plausaby's sickroom and invited Mr. Lurton to enter. And then began again the old battle the hardest conflict of all the battle with vacillation.

Does it not seem wonderful that the mighty Ruler of the universe should condescend to such small things? But nothing is small with him, and we see that his loving care extends to the poorest and the meanest." Isa. xvii. 6. "Miss Harson," asked Edith, with great earnestness, "has each of our hairs got a number on it? I couldn't find any."