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I'm thinking there wasn't a muscle in his body that did not pull at him to straighten him up, to take off his hat, to bend him a little backward, as if he had thrust his face among thistles. As I sat there, looking at those brown eyes of his and listening to his frightened, heavy breathing, I knew well enough I had come to a place where my road of life split and ran in two directions.

"Hullo, Bob," he said genially; "they must have routed you out pretty early to-day." "They shore did, Jack," was the response. He came up the steps somewhat heavily, his companion stopping below. "The boys raise hell all night, an' then come ter me ter straighten it out in the mawnin'. When did ye git in?" "An hour ago; had to wake the 'chink' up to get any chuck. Town looks dead."

This doubtless served to illustrate the contents of the other manuscript. The parchment had been rolled so long and so tightly that it was almost impossible to straighten it out. He worked carefully for fear of cracking it. It was a matter requiring some patience, and consumed the best part of half an hour.

When he gets that done he's going to be busy using it, either to straighten out his own financial affairs or to down or suppress some financier that has busted in on his plans. In either event, we will lose him. Welborn doesn't belong out here.

More than once I had half suspected that he was in with Geddis on the mining deal, but I had no proof of this. "You say they were getting ready to railroad me out of town last night: I suppose they will do it to-day, won't they?" "Not if I can help it, Bertie. I'm goin' to try to hold you here till you've had time to kind of straighten yourself around and ketch up with the procession.

Sid Hahn flushed uncomfortably. "Well, if you must know, I gave it away." "To whom?" "To to Josie Fifer. She took a notion to it, and so I told her she could have it." Then, as Sarah Haddon rose, dried her eyes, and began to straighten her hat: "Where are you going?" He trailed her to the door worriedly. "Now, Sally, don't do anything foolish. You're just tired and overstrung. Where are you "

This time it was less fleeting a fine, clean odor that he liked even while it strangely troubled him. Kicking out of his blankets, he joined the man and helped to straighten out the tangled rope.

Course, she's set Monty to watch, an' he's gone off a-fishin'. That's as plain as a pike-staff. Pshaw! Folks so poor they can't feed their stawk hain't a right to keep any, I declare! When I get to be constable I'll straighten some things in Marsden township that's terrible crooked now; an' the very first one I'd complain of or arrest would be that lazy little stutterin' Monty Sturtevant!"

But, Lordy! to think it was only your own wife! Never mind; we'll straighten that out. We've had worse jobs than that on.

"She said I was just as good to trust as if I was ever so big. And she said I was her pet. So there! Katy Carr!" "Stop disputing," said Aunt Izzie. "Katy your top-drawer is all out of order. I never saw anything look so badly. Go up stairs at once and straighten it, before you do anything else. Children, you must keep in the shade this morning. It's too hot for you to be running about in the sun.