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Chief among these is Matanzas. This city, with a normal population of about 60,000, is situated fifty miles east of Havana, with which it is connected by rail and water. Its shipping interests are second only to those of the capital, as it is the outlet of many of the richest agricultural districts of the island.

At the last-named place they spent three weeks, including the Christmas holidays. After New Year's they went to Cuba, and were received at Havana by the Captain-General and the aristocracy of the city. For a month they gave exhibitions in Havana and Matanzas with great success.

The principal cities are Havana, with a population of nearly three hundred thousand; Matanzas, with fifty thousand; Puerto Principe, thirty thousand; Cienfuegos, twenty-five thousand; Trinidad, fourteen thousand; San Salvador, ten thousand; Manzanillo, Cardenas, Nuevitas, Sagua la Grande, and Mariel.

Matanzas is but Havana; he would find himself anticipated there, because one of those vessels dogging his path would have hurried on to announce his approach.

Beyond Ciego, the train passed again through a zone of tropical forest lands and then dropped into the level plains of Santa Clara, the center of the sugar industry of Cuba. From there it bore northward toward Matanzas, through a belt of bristling pineapple fields.

So we went for weeks." "And what became of him?" asked Talbot, as Brooke paused. "We escaped," said he, "and reached Matanzas but there the poor boy died. So you see, Talbot, since you have joined me my memory goes back to those Cuban days; and whenever I say to you 'Talbot, lad, it seems as though I am speaking to my dear lost Otto.

The speaker's tone was eloquent of hatred. "He is worse than the worst of them a monster! He had seen Miss Varona. She was a beautiful girl. ..." "Go on!" whispered the lover. "I discovered that she didn't at first obey Weyler's edict. She and the two negroes they were former slaves of her father, I believe took refuge in the Pan de Matanzas.

Many Chinese are seen about the streets and stores of Matanzas, variously employed, and usually in a most forlorn and impoverished condition, poor creatures who have survived their "apprenticeship" and are now free. They were brought here under the disguise of the Coolie system, as it is called, but which was only slavery in another form.

Rosa held his hand against her cheek, at a loss for words with which to voice her gladness. "Such happiness as mine belongs in heaven," she managed to tell him. "Sometimes it frightens me. With you by my side this prison is a paradise and I want for nothing. War, suffering, distress I can't imagine they longer exist." "Nevertheless, they do, and Matanzas is anything but a paradise," said he.

When I arrived in Cuba sufficient time had passed for me to note the effects of this order, and to study the results as they are to be found in the provinces of Havana, Matanzas and Santa Clara, the order having been extended to embrace the latter province. It looked then as though General Weyler was reaping what he had sown, and was face to face with a problem of his own creating.