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She led him swiftly up the steps, and there, standing beside a chair, was Esteban Varona. "He dressed himself and walked out here alone. "Esteban! Really " The brother nodded decisively. "It's true. I rebelled at last. To- morrow I'll walk to the gate and the next day we'll go fishing." "Jove! How splendid!" "Why, I'm as firm on my feet as a rock."

To feel that she had been overmatched, to know that there was indeed a treasure, to think that the two who knew where it was had been laughing at her all this time, filled the woman with an agony approaching that which Sebastian suffered from his flies. As the sun was sinking beyond the farther rim of the Yumuri and the valley was beginning to fill with shadows. Esteban Varona rode up the hill.

Thank Heaven we have an angel of mercy awaiting us, and she will know how to make him well." When the troop resumed its retreat Esteban Varona lay suspended upon a swinging bed between O'Reilly's and Judson's horses. Although they carried him as carefully as they could throughout that long hot journey, he never ceased his babbling and never awoke to his surroundings.

Leslie has gone " She cleared her vision with a shake of her head and her tongue grew thick with excitement. "They're coming HERE! Yes! It's it's O'REILLY!" Young Varona struggled from his hammock. "ROSA!" he called, loudly, "ROSA!" Norine ran and caught him or he would have fallen prone.

We must be brave and patient and think of what is waiting for us at the bottom of that well." It was indeed a great piece of luck which had enabled Esteban Varona to buy a half-dozen Mausers from a Spanish soldier.

In a hammock swung between two trees Esteban Varona lay, listening to the admonitions of his nurse. Johnnie O'Reilly had just bade them both a hearty good morning and now Norine was saying: "One hour, no more. You had a temperature again last night, and it came from talking too much." "Oh, I'm better this morning," Esteban declared. "I'm getting so that I want to talk.

He wondered if he were wise thus to sacrifice his waning energies on a hope so forlorn as this, but by now he had begun to more than half believe in the existence of the Varona treasure and he felt an almost irresistible curiosity to learn what secret, if any, was concealed behind those water-soaked timbers at the bottom of the well.

I dare not think too long of that, for the hearts of men are not like the hearts of women. What will you say when you learn that the Rosa Varona whom you favored with your admiration is not the Rosa of to-day? I hear you murmur, "The girl forgets herself!" But, oh, the standards of yesterday are gone and my reserve is gone, too! I am a hunted creature.

"Yes, I reported that Miss Varona had gone into the city I took some pains to find out. Do you have reason to doubt " "Not the least, sir." "Then why have you come all this way?" "I came to find her and to fetch her to her brother." "But you don't understand. She is actually inside the lines, in Matanzas a prisoner." "Exactly. I intend to go into Matanzas and bring her out."

Dona Rosa Varona lived barely long enough to learn that she had given birth to twins. Don Esteban, whom people knew as a grim man, took the blow of his sudden bereavement as became one of his strong fiber. Leaving the priest upon his knees and the doctor busied with the babies, he strode through the house and out into the sunset, followed by the wails of the slave women.