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Virginia from her curule chair, tranquil and fast in the Union, will persuade, will reconcile these differences! Amen to that!" said Miss Lucy, and took up another bundle. "The Staunton Gazette The Farmer's Magazine The Literary Messenger My Blackwood Julius!" "Yaas, Miss Lucy." "Julius, the Reverend Mr. Corbin Wood will be here for supper and to spend the night. Let Car'line know."

She cunjer him coz he rode de gray colt to de Coht House when she done tole him to let dat gray colt alone, coz 'twarnt hisen but hern, an' he go shoot hese'f dead by de gate pos'. You's got to go fru by dat pos' when you go inter de gate." "Dat same pos'!" cried Peggy. "Yaas," said Aunt Judy, "dat same one.

You must go on this train. John, I I want you to." She smiled up at his troubled gaze. "Johanna," he said, and beckoned the maid a step aside. "Miss Barb has sent me that part of your letter to her that tells about the construction company." "Yaas, seh," murmured Johanna. Her heart throbbed.

"Yaas, and you was a nice pair of flats, you was, when I fust comed across you," observes Billy, who, I regret to say, has not quite finished his mouthful of plum-pudding before he speaks. "They're pulling down the court, I see, Billy," says Fred. "They are so. 'Tain't no concern of mine, though, now she's hooked it."

The need of some breathing time, however slight, was now so imperative that at a stake and rider fence, overgrown with creepers, a five minutes' halt was ordered. The fence ran at right angles, and all along the column the men dropped upon the ground, in the shadow of the vines. Coffin threw himself down by the Thunder Run men. "Billy Maydew!" "Yaas, sir."

"Well?" asked Laurie eagerly. "Did you get it?" "Yaas, sah." "What happened?" The boy stopped his descending car midway between two floors. He had no intention of having his scene spoiled. He bulged visibly under the news he had to impart. "I got de stuff you said, and I lef' it at dat young lady's do'," he began impressively. "Yes." "When I looked de nex' time, it was gone." "Good!

"Yaas, sir, Boss," grinned the darky. "Ah sure will shoot." "Now, boys, get going," commanded their captor. "Walk right up, too, for we're a long ways from home and I'm tired." "How did you happen back so soon?" queried Harry. "I thought you had gone to town to talk with Wyckoff about hanging us." "I done change my mind," answered Lopez. "I forgot something at the cabin and now hit's done burned.

"Does this man understand for what he is voting?" demanded the election clerk of a Galician interpreter who had brought in a naturalized foreigner to vote. "Oh, yaas; I eexplain heem." "Can he write?" An indeterminate nod of the head; so the voter marks his ballot, and his vote counts for as much as that of the premier or president of a railroad.

"Fine weather, sir," said I, at last, rather tired of being skewed and spit at in this manner. "Why yaas," said the figure; "the day is tolerably fine, but I have seen a finer." "Well, I don't remember to have seen one," said I; "it is as fine a day as I have seen during the present season, and finer weather than I have seen during this season I do not think I ever saw before."

He knows all about it, "Diligence, half-past four breakfast, Oh, yaas!" While I have been at the diligence-office, my companions have secured room and gone to them; and I ask the waiter to show m to my room. First, however, I tell him that we three two ladies and myself, who came together, are going in the diligence at half-past five, and want to be called and have breakfast. Did he comprehend?