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Sez I, "You would disseminate these wicked practices, would you, in dear Christian Jonesville? No, indeed." "I tell you agin I wuzn't a-goin' to use it only in the most hurryin' times I " But I sez, "I will hear no more; give it back to the man and come with your pardner!" And I linked my arm in hisen and motioned to the man to move off with his wheels.

Them remarks of hisen wuz wrung out of him by the glory of the display, as the sweet sap is brung out of the maple trees by the all-powerful influence and glory of the spring sun, and they show more plain than song or poem of the wonders about us. Josiah don't love to praise wimmen he hates to.

They had been there several days, and this evenin', he thinkin' his eyes of her, and feelin' very sentimental as wuz nateral, wuz readin' poetry to her, she settin' the picture of happiness and contentment with her feet on a foot-stool, her pretty hands clasped in her lap, and her eyes lookin' up adorin'ly into hisen as he read: "Oh, beautious love, sweet realm of joy, No wild alarm shall ere thy sweet calm break."

"I don't approve of that," sez Elder Wessel. "The church of the Most High is too sacred to use for such purposes." "A minister said that once to Elder White," sez Arvilly, "and he answered 'em with that warm meller smile of hisen, 'Where are my boys and girls more welcome and safe than at home, and this is their Father's house," sez he.

And I sez to Cephas "To save expense, you will probable have the moneygram W.N.B.H.?" "Oh, no," sez he. Sez I, "hen the initials of his given names, and the last name in full." "Oh, no," he said; "it wuz S. Annie's wish, and hisen, that the hull name should be put on. They thought it would show more respect."

Josiah introduced him as Christopher Columbus Allen, my own cousin on my own side, and also on hisen. He wuz a very good-lookin' chap, some older than Thomas Jefferson, and I do declare if he didn't look some like him, which wouldn't be nothin' aginst the law, or aginst reason, bein' that they wuz related to each other.

"Rank is only the E pluribus Unum stamp, on the trade dollar: a feller is a feller for all that." But I'll be hanged if he didn't, after all my expenditure of wind and eloquence, and quotin' poetry, and every thing if he didn't turn round at the foot of that doorstep, and strikin' that same patient, determined attitude of hisen, say, says he, "You are mistaken, mom.

And since old Jake Benton has gone crazy over this new religion of hisen he is trien to get everybody else to go crazy. You brethering knows how I sent him down in the hills this summer to mind cattle. Well he seemed to kinder git overbalanced in his mind down there and he's found a new religion. You know how he testified in meetin' tother night.

But it wus this last move of hisen that killed her; for I tell you, it is pretty tough on a mother to have her baby, a part of her own life, took right out of her arms, and gin to a stranger. For this uncle of hern wus a entire stranger to Dorlesky when the will wus made.

Josiah seemed to enjoy hisen the best that ever wuz, and to my horrow he took both on 'ern in his right hand and begun to play Yankee Doodle on 'em. I stepped on his foot hard under the table, and he broke off with a low groan, but I spoze they would lay it to a foreigner's strange ways. After the sweetmeats wuz partook of we had dried melon seeds, the host handin' 'em round by the handful.