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The children wuz stayin' at a fashionable boardin' house, kept by Miss Eliphalet Snow, a distant relation of Maggie's, who had lost her pardner and her property, but kep' her pride and took boarders for company, so she said. And we wuz all goin' to start for Jonesville together the next day.

And he told every one of 'em, he told everybody, that he thought as much agin of the honor as he did of the money. It showed that he wus thought so much of, not only in Jonesville, but the world at large. Why, he took such solid comfort in it, that it did honestly seem as if he grew fat, he wus so puffed up by it, and proud.

He said that he and S. Annie both felt that it wuz their wish to have the funeral go ahead of any other that had ever took place in Loontown or Jonesville. He said that S. Annie felt that it wuz all that wuz left her now in life, the memory of such a funeral as he deserved.

We found some mail here to the tarven, letters from the dear children and our help. Thomas J. and Maggie wuz gittin' better, and the rest well, and all follerin' our journey with fond hearts and good wishes. Philury and Ury writ that everything was goin' well on the farm and the Jonesvillians enjoyin' good health. Arvilly got a paper from Jonesville and come in to read it to us.

And I told the boy we must go. And then I says to the President, "That I knew he was quite a traveller, and of course he wouldn't want to die without seein' Jonesville;" and says I, "Be sure to come to our house to supper when you come."

Believin' as I do that the great beneficent Power that fills the ether about us, will bring us the help our sperit desires if we ask for it, it didn't surprise me that almost the first man I met after I left the press and turmoil of the throng, wuz Deacon Gansy, who moved from Jonesville and is now runnin' a provision store in New York.

Nevertheless, when she paid him his wages she gave him a good horse, which José accepted with thanks but without gratitude. As Alaire watched him ride away with never a backward glance she decided that she must lose no time in apprising the Ranger of this new condition of affairs. She drove her automobile to Jonesville that afternoon, more worried than she cared to admit.

Josiah said that Philander Dagget'ses wive's brother wouldn't have no chance at all. He wanted the nomination awful, and Philander had been a workin' for him all he could; and if Elburtus hadn't come down to Jonesville, and showed off such a beautiful demeanor and actions, why, we all thought that Philander's wive's brother would have got it.

Sez I, "Elder Minkley is here, Josiah Allen, and Deacon Henzy Jonesville church is languishin' in debt. Is this a time for feathers? What will they think on't? If you can spend money for silk scarfs and plumes, they'll expect you, and with good reason, too, to raise the debt on the meetin'-house." He paused. Economy prevailed; what love couldn't effect or common sense, closeness did.

Lots of jest such ones have importuned me for food on my Jonesville door-step. Then he had two Hindoo fakirs that wuz real interestin'. The fur-off Indian city, the river, and the fakir a-layin' in the boat, tired out, I presoom, a-makin' folks stand up in the air, and climb up ladders into Nowhere, and eatin' swords, and eatin' fire, and etcetry. He wuz beat out, and no wonder.