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You may keep your pup, Charley; but I do wish he was a dumb brute in fact as well as in name." "I can train him to be quiet," said Charley eagerly. "I trained Judge Gordon's dogs to hunt and I can train this little fellow not to make a noise. If I could keep him, sir, I'd be mighty glad. He'll be a lot of company." "Keep your dog, noise or no noise," said the kindly ranger with determination.

Anto, the murderer, with his ankles lashed beneath his horse's belly, rode first; next, in a sullen silence, came the Ranger, his chin upon his breast; and in the rear followed Alaire Austin.

He will look after all the lumbering in his territory, and I may have to let him take charge of it all. It's a big operation and will have to be watched closely. I just wish I knew where I could find a man capable of taking Jim's place for a while." "What will the ranger have to do in looking after this operation?"

Among these peaks lay hidden pockets and caches by hundreds, rock fissures which made the country a very maze to the uninitiated. The ranger, himself one of the best trailers in Texas, doubted whether he could retrace his steps to the Speed place. After several hours of travel, they emerged from a gulch to a little valley known as Beaver Dam Park.

But, as she began to plan for the removal of the sisters, more visitors were announced indeed, several at once; first, Albert Ebner, of the Council, and his wife, then Frau Clara Loffelholz, who came without her husband, and the two daughters of the imperial ranger Waldstromer, Els's most intimate friends.

Sometimes she threw the full glory of her beams upon the white earth as she rode in a clear place in the heavens; at others her light was obscured by passing clouds which covered her fair face. We can follow the gospel ranger as he left his humble boarding place. Mounted on trustworthy Bob, Jasper Very started to his appointment.

It was a strange ride because in the back of my head worked a haunting consciousness of the deadly nature of my business there on the frontier, a business in such contrast with this dreaming and dallying, this longing for what surely was futile. Any moment I might be stripped of my disguise. Any moment I might have to be the Ranger.

Losinj?" Corina inclined her head. "I appear to be in your hands, Ensign." "You might as well call me Sunbeam," Yamata said as they left the group. "Everyone else does, even Ranger Medart, except on watch. And you heard the Captain, I'm not standing watches any more, thanks to you.

He wished to see the spy whom Bolderwood had mentioned to Ethan Allen. The ranger, too, looked sharply about the camp for the man. "Where's that slippery critter we captured the other night?" he asked. "If he gits away before Colonel Allen comes there'll be trouble for some of us."

I whirled and shot. Talk about nick of time! Blandy pulled trigger just as my bullet smashed into his head. "He dropped dead behind the bar and his gun dropped in front. But he had hit Steele. "The Ranger staggered, almost fell. I thought he was done, and, yelling, I sped to him. "But he righted himself. Then I wheeled again. Someone in the crowd killed Bo Snecker as he wobbled up with his gun.