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Had this been actual combat, I would have attacked him instead of his weapon, but a ruptured blood vessel in the brain is too permanent for a simple demonstration." "It is that," Medart agreed, pleased and a little surprised at what sounded like she might be attempting mild humor. "If this were real, then, you're saying all five would be dead." "Yes.

But it's never an easy fight; there are times we have to go in and rebuild, even after they're thrown out. The stronger a universe is, the better for everyone and this one would be strongest with you and the Empire as allies. United would be best, but that wasn't easy at home; it may be impossible, here." "And just how was such a union managed in your universe?" Medart managed a grin.

"An aspect that works through a shield," Corina said. "That will have to be explored later for now, we can only use it. How much further?" "Not much." Medart began moving again, taking a straight line until he made an abrupt turn that took them into a corridor with several widely-spaced doors. "Our offices this hall brings us out behind the Throne, but I have to check something. Wait a minute."

"Have you encountered the Sandemans?" "Yes, sixteen years before the Traiti War. A century and a quarter ago." Medart frowned, scanned the Bridge crew. That was what he'd thought strange earlier there were none of the small, dark-skinned blonds who were such a significant part of Alpha Prime's military.

"I can't really rest," Medart said slowly. "I don't have the time. I can work on something that won't take too much thinking, though. Good enough?" "I suppose it will have to be, though true rest is better." While Medart called Sunbeam, Corina thought.

And the reasoning may not be obvious, but from our experience, it is logical." "This is just as much a war as the one we fought with the Traiti," Forrest added, with a curious glance at Medart. "Even though the Empire tries to be fair, Sir Corina, we can't always manage, especially in this kind of emergency." "Take some more time, Sir Corina," Emperor Davis said suddenly, sounding sympathetic.

"You must be quite good, then," Corina said. "What hassle with Greggson?" Medart demanded. "It was nothing serious," Corina said, and summarized the incident for him. "I was nervous, but not badly upset." "That's good," Medart said, then continued silently. *Maybe it doesn't bother you, but it does me.

"Then you have one volunteer. Anyone else in the Command Crew eligible?" "There is Colonel Greggson. Only one of the others I have scanned so far has a usable shield, and I plan to speak to him shortly. That is why the whole crew must be informed of those facts. Ranger Medart and I will have to check everyone.

"Unless, of course, you'd rather call it off." Corina's self-doubt was turning into determination under his scorn. "No, thank you," she said quietly. "I will continue." Medart smiled briefly at her, then turned to Greggson. "Get off her back, Colonel," he said. "You can join the spectators; I'll set up the situation for them." Greggson obeyed silently, and Medart turned to the team leader.

"Why do you not speak to him while he changes? I cannot, I know; having a female around would embarrass a human male." "Or vice versa." Medart grinned. "And Sandemans are even worse than most that way. They don't even like to strip for a medical exam which they hate in the first place. I'd embarrass him every bit as much as you would. I was worried about wasting days; we can spare a few minutes."