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"Once I get there, I doubt very much I'll be able to find out what's going on back here can you give me any idea whether or not the Sandemans here will accept citizenship?" Nevan glanced at Ryan, then turned back to the Ranger. "I can't speak for anyone else, Highness, but James' actions in bringing peace, and now your willingness to take his place, have made my own decision easy.

The ship and crew you want will meet you as soon as possible and in the meantime, I'd recommend you not study magic. You don't want our version limiting you if you are able to get any help from the Sandemans." "Yes, sir. I'll concentrate on recording everything I can remember about them, then." Medart watched the lifecraft heading back for Imperial space.

Instead, they would be offered a chance for combat for the Empire, using the ships and weapons they would otherwise have to fight. Being as intelligent as they are combat-loving, the Sandemans chose the second alternative. "Again, you see, an economical solution of considerable benefit to the Empire.

Curious, Nevan walked around the ship until he found its ID and then he sent another caustic comment to one of the newest gods. *Dammit, Kelly, if you want me to deliver your blades to Owajima, how about some cooperation instead of all these problems?* The destroyer was the IHD Warleader Riordan, a ship from the Fiftieth Fleet, which meant it was crewed primarily by Sandemans.

I'm not sure it'll be possible to make friends out of the Sandemans, but I'm not asking for a miracle; it'll be enough if you can just stop them from destroying the Empire." "I'll do my best, sir. What resources can I call on?" "Anything that's not actually engaged in combat. Or anything that is, if you consider it essential, including myself and the Rangers." "Thank you, Your Majesty.

Go in peace, Captain Johansen and please accept my wishes for your well-being. Whatever you think of me or my profession " most Imperials were as dubious of field agents as they were of assassins "I want only the best for the Empire and its officers." "Sandemans don't lie, so I accept that," Johansen said. Then, grudgingly, "Thank you, warrior." With that he left, abruptly.

"Have you encountered the Sandemans?" "Yes, sixteen years before the Traiti War. A century and a quarter ago." Medart frowned, scanned the Bridge crew. That was what he'd thought strange earlier there were none of the small, dark-skinned blonds who were such a significant part of Alpha Prime's military.

It's in my quarters aboard the Empress Lindner." Chavvorth took the pictures, clearly puzzled. "An object from an old entertainment tape?" "Right, and I'd recommend close study of the movies, too Lord Vader in particular. The Sandemans at home regard those movies as classics, and based several aspects of their culture on them.

The reply had been a cautious welcome, along with the information that unless and until they did accept Imperial citizenship they would be met and escorted. That seemed reasonable, so the Sandemans had agreed; Ryan wasn't at all surprised that his ship was met by the IBC Emperor Barton, or that Ranger Ariel invited him and Nevan aboard.

"Medart was not sent in until the Duke of Sector Five admitted her inability to stop the Sandemans and requested Imperial assistance. Medart took a fleet to the one world the Sandemans had made a protectorate rather than conquering, stopping long enough en route to capture several for study." Kainor paused briefly.