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The winding brook and the brown slope, comparatively bare of trees, brought me a sudden inspiration. "Back-fire! Back-fire!" I cried to my companions, in wild appeal. "We must back-fire. It's our chance! Here's the place!" Bud scowled and Herky grumbled, but Bill grasped at the idea. "I've heerd of back-firin'. The rangers do it. But how? How?"

The riflemen moved forward against the town, whilst the rangers were posted at several points along the road to guard against surprise from the bushes. Among these latter I took my stand. The squad which went forward could not have numbered above sixty men, and was armed with Mississippi rifles only, without wheel-piece of any kind, or even bayonets.

The names of Belestre, Valtric, Bonne, Rouville, St. Ours, and Duchesnay, are often met in the annals of the French régime, and show the high character of the representation in the first parliament of Lower Canada. He had served with much distinction during the revolution as the commander of the Queen's Rangers, some of whom had settled in the Niagara district.

The Rangers ride towards it, with the intention also to make a short halt there and snatch a scrap from their haversacks. When upon its edge, before entering among the trees, they see that which decides them to stay even less time than intended the hoof-prints of half a hundred horses! Going inside the copse, they observe other signs that speak of an encampment.

They withdrew into deeper shelter, but they still fired as fast, as they could reload and pull the trigger. Their bullets, although they rarely missed, seemed to make no impression on the red horde, which always pressed closer, and there was a deadly ring of fire around the rangers, made by hundreds of rifles and muskets. Robert and Tayoga were still without wounds.

Many a dark-skinned raider bestrode one of Belding's fast horses, and indeed all except his selected white thoroughbreds had been stolen. So the job of the rangers had become more than a patrolling of the boundary line to keep Japanese and Chinese from being smuggled into the United States. Belding kept close at home to protect his family and to hold his property.

But she was happy, for she was far away under another sky, and comrading again with her Rangers, and her animal friends, and the soldiers. Their names fell softly and caressingly from her lips, one by one, with pauses between. She was not in pain, but lay with closed eyes, vacantly murmuring, as one who dreams.

So Manuel Armijo, the last Mexican Governor of the province, being a favorite of the President of that country because he had defeated some Texas Rangers in a battle, and on that account endowed with extraordinary powers, carved a fat half million acres out of the Valdés grant and made a present of it to José Moreño for 'services to the government of Mexico. That's where you come in as heir to your grandfather, who purchased for a song the claim of Moreño's son."

Ten of the Indians, all told, lost their scalps, for which the volunteer rangers were subsequently paid one hundred pounds by the colony of North Carolina.

Rangers and Mohawks, Robert, Daganoweda, Willet, Black Rifle and Rogers at their head, burst into the glen and the Mohawks began the pursuit of Tandakora's surviving warriors, who had followed their leader in his flight. But Robert turned back to meet Tayoga and cut the thongs from his wrists. "I thank you, Dagaeoga," said the Onondaga. "You came in time." "Yes, they were making ready.