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Wan cap'n'd pick one man, an' th' other another. 'I choose Dooley, 'I choose O'Connor, 'I choose Dimpsey, 'I choose Riordan, an' so on till there was twinty-five or thirty on a side.

Mrs Dedalus followed and the places were arranged. Sit over, she said. Mr Dedalus went to the end of the table and said: Now, Mrs Riordan, sit over. John, sit you down, my hearty. He looked round to where uncle Charles sat and said: Now then, sir, there's a bird here waiting for you. When all had taken their seats he laid his hand on the cover and then said quickly, withdrawing it: Now, Stephen.

But we've inthrajooced it into this counthry, an' whin I was down seein' if I cud injooce Rafferry, th' Janitor iv th' Isaac Muggs Grammar School, f'r to vote f'r Riordan an' he's goin' to I dhropped in on Cassidy's daughter, Mary Ellen, an' see her kindygartnin'. Th' childher was settin' ar-round on th' flure an' some was moldin' dachshunds out iv mud an' wipin' their hands on their hair, an' some was carvin' figures iv a goat out iv paste-board an' some was singin' an' some was sleepin' an' a few was dancin' an' wan la-ad was pullin' another la-ad's hair.

He uncovered the dish boldly and said: Now then, who's for more turkey? Nobody answered. Dante said: Nice language for any catholic to use! Mrs Riordan, I appeal to you, said Mrs Dedalus, to let the matter drop now. Dante turned on her and said: And am I to sit here and listen to the pastors of my church being flouted?

Will I tell him that horse Lenehan? He knows already. Better let him forget. Go and lose more. Fool and his money. Dewdrop coming down again. Cold nose he'd have kissing a woman. Still they might like. Prickly beards they like. Dogs' cold noses. Old Mrs Riordan with the rumbling stomach's Skye terrier in the City Arms hotel. Molly fondling him in her lap. O, the big doggybowwowsywowsy!

I read, a number of years ago, some impressions of Concord by Roger Riordan, the poet and art critic.

"An' the pretty things you got!" went on the cheering matron. "You'll clear eight hundred if you'll clear a cent. And now put me down for a chance or two; don't be scared, Mary Riordan; four or five! I'm goin' to bring Mr. Costeller over here to-night, and don't you let him off too easy." Every one laughed joyously. "Did you hear of Alanna's luck?" said Mrs. Costello.

'Wan night three years ago, a band iv rovin' Bohemians fr'm th' Eighth Ward come acrost th' river, kickin' over bar'ls an' ash-boxes, an' swooped down on th' tenth precint. Mike Riordan, him that kept th' pollin'-place in th' good days iv old, was th' on'y wan iv th' race iv ancient heroes on earth. He thried to rally th' ingloryous descindants iv a proud people.

Well now, that's all right. O, we had a good walk, hadn't we, John? Yes... I wonder if there's any likelihood of dinner this evening. Yes... O, well now, we got a good breath of ozone round the Head today. Ay, bedad. He turned to Dante and said: You didn't stir out at all, Mrs Riordan? Dante frowned and said shortly: No. Mr Dedalus dropped his coat-tails and went over to the sideboard.

The litigation was won through the intervention of the United States Government which Archbishop Riordan invoked through his counsel, and decided by arbitrators under the Hague Convention in 1899. The first payment was made on February 2, 1903. Perhaps it is not amiss to quote here a small portion of the speech delivered in Washington, D. C. by Hon.