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"I was pleased to be able to help, Prince. Fortunately, your pulled muscles responded well to a simple healing spell, which also insured a good rest. Would you care to join me and Warleader Ryan for breakfast?" "I would be delighted. That's what I was looking for, as a matter of fact." Medart grinned at her as they started walking. "We've changed ships; are we bound for Sandeman?" "Yes.

The Warleader stared at him for a moment, then chuckled. "Were our circumstances reversed, Prince, I would have done the same. I will ask only what is necessary to establish the truth of your claims. And you may consider yourself a guest of Clan Vader." Medart bowed. "Thank you for your courtesy, Warleader. How soon can we take care of the interrogation?" "As soon as you wish, Highness.

Deception was difficult for Sandemans, but introducing himself as Warleader rather than clan-chief was failure to reveal he was both rather than an active lie, so he'd been able to manage it. Lying was for Shapers and their kin. This Prince James was obviously related to the Shapers, from his size and coloring, but Ryan found himself wanting to believe what James had told him.

Moments later the bay's inner lock cycled open and a small group of warriors approached him, the central one wearing honor-black. Medart straightened, then bowed and addressed that one. "I am Prince James Medart of the Empire in Alternate Alpha Prime. You do me honor, Warleader, wearing ceremonials. Am I prisoner, or guest?" The Sandeman returned the bow.

"I am Ryan, a warrior of Clan Vader and Warleader of this fleet. You place me in a difficult position, bearing a lightsaber you claim was a death-gift, and claiming further that Clan Vader still owes you life-debt. If either is true, I cannot honorably hold you prisoner but I have only your word and a lightsaber that could have been taken from a dead or captured warrior in this universe."

He took steps to prevent further deterioration in those who could still be helped, then granted a swift death to two who could not be. "When he arrived at the protectorate an obscure world called Mjolnir he mindprobed a warrior who had sworn fealty to the Baron there, then defeated in single combat the Warleader who wanted to take the world, obliging him to protect it instead.

Curious, Nevan walked around the ship until he found its ID and then he sent another caustic comment to one of the newest gods. *Dammit, Kelly, if you want me to deliver your blades to Owajima, how about some cooperation instead of all these problems?* The destroyer was the IHD Warleader Riordan, a ship from the Fiftieth Fleet, which meant it was crewed primarily by Sandemans.

"Since you're not certain I did," Medart said at last, "and since that's the only way I can prove I'm telling the truth, does the prohibition have to apply?" "That question has never come up." The Warleader frowned again. "Your claims cannot be disproven if they took place in another universe, so you must be given the protection they grant you, though not payment of a debt that may not exist.

That particular chamber is always kept ready." "Let's get it over with, then. Putting it off isn't going to make it any easier, and I'd like to end this war as soon as I can if that's possible at all." "It will end, unfortunately," the Warleader said. "Not for some time, I hope the Empire is the most competent enemy we have yet encountered but it will end."

"Do you claim life-debt now?" "No." Medart grinned. "I would if I thought it were necessary, but the Sandemans I know would be curious enough to invite me to their ships, or to Sandeman itself, to talk about it." "You wish to surrender?" "Not hardly but I will, if that's what it takes to get a chance to talk to you." "I will have to consult the Warleader on that, Prince.