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If the rural school is to be able to claim the regular attendance and spontaneous coöperation of the children it must be reasonably accessible to them, be attractive and interesting in itself, and offer work the value and application of which are evident. The inaccessibility of the rural school has always been one of its greatest disadvantages.

Throughout the meeting, presided over by the elderly but tall and soldierly Austrian Consul, the Japanese said little. It was primarily the first get-together for Nazi-Japanese cooperation in the Canal Zone area. "Mr. Umimoto has not said much," remarked Jacobs. "There is so little to say when there are so many present," said the little Consul apologetically. The others understood.

But the results of the Troy experiment, typical of the others, show how far from a successful solution of the labor problem is productive cooperation.

During the following year a new plan, backed by both the American and the German interests, secured the strong cooperation and endorsement of J. P. Morgan and Company. This was the first instance of Morgan's entry into railroad reorganization in the West.

This army had the full cooperation of the gunboat fleet, commanded by Admiral Foote, and was assisted by the high flood of that season, which enabled General Pope, by great skill and industry, to open a canal from a point above Island Number Ten to New Madrid below, by which he interposed between the rebel army and its available line of supply and retreat.

In a world of 150 nations, where nuclear technology is proliferating and regional conflicts continue, international security cannot be taken for granted. So, let there be no mistake about it: International cooperation is a vital factor of our lives today. This is not a moment for the American people to turn inward.

It is particularly satisfying to note the precautions taken in the application of set tests, how careful Dr. Healy and his assistants have been to determine the completeness of cooperation on the part of the subject and to weigh this factor in evaluating the results.

Pius V., to whom Ridolfi had opened the whole matter, highly approved the scheme, and warmly urged Philip's cooperation. Poor and ruined as he was himself; the Pope protested that he was ready to sell his chalices, and even his own vestments, to provide funds for the cause. Philip had replied that few words were necessary to persuade him.

Nor has any one workman the authority to make other men cooperate with him to do faster work. It is only through enforced standardization of methods, enforced adoption of the best implements and working conditions, and enforced cooperation that this faster work can be assured. And the duty of enforcing the adoption of standards and of enforcing-this cooperation rests with the management alone.

To push forward the Peninsula campaign under these conditions was a terrible mistake of judgment on McClellan's part. Far better would it have been to have taken the Manassas route; for even if its inherent demerits were really so great as McClellan had depicted, they would have been more than offset by preserving the undiminished coöperation of the administration.