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A third bolt went overhead, then the Sanctioner returned the blaster to his belt and called to her. "You have made it to Imperial territory, Losinj, but you are not safe yet! Even if you manage to get past Entos and into the Palace, we can have you extradited as a common criminal, for assaulting a Sanctioner. Think about that!"

Hmm, this was getting interesting the anonymous young officer was going through with it, speaking the formula of knighthood as solemnly as if this were indeed a real Tribunal. All Medart could see of the Irschchan was her eartips, erect and quivering as her admirer finished on a note of triumph: " and do name you, Corina Losinj of Irschcha, a Knight of the Empire!"

"She might as well brief all of us at once; can you have the Command Crew here in, say, an hour?" "Yes, sir. Do you want me to have her paged?" "Don't bother." Medart grinned. "If I know our Sunbeam, she's found Losinj a cabin and taken her to Mess Three. I could use something to eat myself, so I'll go get her." Medart spotted Yamata and his new assistant almost as soon as he entered Mess Three.

"But she betrayed the Order!" the Sanctioner chief objected. "For that, if nothing else, she deserves to die. Entos was acting properly." "Not under Imperial law," Medart said. "The sentence stands. And I advise you not to get more deeply involved. Just carry out your peace-keeping functions." "But " "No buts," Medart said coldly. "Losinj lives, Entos dies.

These Sanctioners were big, and they were treating her as cautiously as they would a dangerous criminal. From the Order's point of view, though, that was now an accurate description. "All right, Losinj," the oldest one said. "Hands on your head, and do not move." Corina obeyed, moving slowly to give herself time to think.

"That exonerates you, Ms. Losinj. There's no more need to confine you." He touched a switch on the desk, and the restraining straps retracted into the armchair. "Since I am proven innocent, may I have my blade back?" Corina couldn't keep a note of pleading out of her voice. Dawson looked at her sharply. "It means that much to you? Well, I don't see why not; take it." "I thank you."

Delete all security restrictions from the individual identified by that code, and relay to any peripherals that Corina Losinj of Irschcha has been selected as a Ranger." "Acknowledged. Request formal voiceprint from Ranger Losinj." Medart nodded to Corina, smiling. "Go ahead, Rina." Corina glanced at him, then decided she liked both the nickname and his use of it. "Thank you, Jim.

He got a second cup of coffee, taking it and the printout over to his work area. Several hours passed as he studied those records with growing satisfaction. The more he read, the more promising Corina Losinj looked. The only flaw he could find was in her psych profile; it showed a lack of self-confidence. Medart wondered at that, because she certainly didn't lack ability.

"If Losinj is helping Medart, and they reach Terra in time, our assault team will be faced by a fairly strong Talent. She may be able to incapacitate one or more, and we need all our strength. Although there are enough Seniors to defeat her, she may introduce complications." "Since she was my student, and it was my error which caused her to become a problem, she is my responsibility."

Corina shifted, unable to accept that even in a dream. He was a Ranger, he had been doing the only thing honor would allow . . . Then came the interrupted recovery leave on Irschcha, and his meeting with the young Losinj. In Medart's memory, Corina watched herself defeat the Marines, studied her own records, discussed them with the Emperor.