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Here, won't you please hold the book open at aimer, so I can get that muss a little straight, in case madam calls upon me to conjugate?" Lizzie laughed. "Oh, pshaw! of course you won't. Lizzie Heartwell, you are too conscientious; but Helen, you will, won't you?" "Yes, if you will hold it open for me, too. I am not at all prepared in the lesson."

Den it muss ha' been, ha! maybe it war a mermaid!" "What I saw looked like a boy, Snowball. O, now I think of it, like that boy." "What boy you 'peak 'bout?" "He who was aboard the ship, the English boy who was one of the sailors." "Ah! you mean de little Will'm, I 'pose. I reck'n dat 'ere lad hab gone to de bott'm ob de sea long afore dis, or else he get off on de big raff.

After that she sat down and made up her records for the night nurse. The ward understood, and was perfectly good, trying hard not to muss its pillows or wrinkle the covers. And struggling, too, with a new idea. They were prisoners. No more release cards would brighten the days.

It will muss up reception some, but it will probably be better than direct, at that. Point oh five three six ... all x shoot!" Brandon's relay station upon Mars was finally raised and held, and a corps of keenly interested engineers there made short work of the Earth-Mars linkage.

The mobocracy are "all for a muss," of course, as they always are till they see the glitter of bayonets; but I cannot believe that the bellicose ideas they are so fond of mooting have ever been seriously entertained by the Government.

Loud talking and laughing a vast deal of unrobing pushing back and pulling up chairs on the hearth and Nancy and Ellen running in and out of the room with countless wrappers, cloaks, shawls, comforters, hoods, mittens, and moccasins. "What a precious muss it will be to get 'em all their own things when they come to go away again," said Nancy. "Throw 'em all down there, Ellen, in that heap.

If you interfere with my business there won't be as many of you to-night as there were this morning. Aha! there's one of you out of the muss already."

My old slave Mus, from his very name a natural enemy of cats, was told to kill the little creatures, put them into a sack, and throw them into the Nile. "This murder was necessary, as the mewing of the kittens would otherwise have betrayed the contents of the sack to the palace-warders. In the twilight poor Muss betook himself to the Nile through the grove of Hathor, with his perilous burden.

Greenough, impassive joss of the city desk, regarded with a chill eye. "One reporter visiting another gets into a muss and shoots up some riverside toughs," he remarked contemptuously. "You can hardly expect our public to get greatly excited over that. Are we going into the business of exploiting our own cubs?" Thereupon there was sharp discussion to which Mr.

We only do this for the sake of doin’ good, and we don’t want to do nothin’ that will make any trouble. We used to tell things about stole property, and about family troubles, and so we sometimes used to get folks into musses, but we don’t do nothin’ of that kind now. If your business is about any kind of muss and trouble in your family we don’t want nothin’ to do with it.