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Here is one view of the Joss House. The Chinamen were intensely interested, as I painted, and crowded round. They were perfectly polite and well-intentioned as also are the Burmese, but I think the Chinaman's interest in the technique is so great that he cannot keep at any distance, so it was an enormous effort to concentrate on the subject and not just to draw the nearest heads.

There are no priests or preachers, but some man buys the privilege of running the Joss house, and charges each worshipper a small fee. The devotee falls on his knees, lays his forehead to the floor, and invocates the god of his choice. Soothsayers are always in attendance, and for a small sum one may know his future.

Coryndon watched him go, and went back to his corner to wait until Leh Shin should return from either the gambling den or the Joss House.

Hanway-Harley for Dorothy; and no later, mind you, than to-morrow night." Bess tossed her head as though a fiat had gone forth. "Well," said Richard, drawing a deep breath, "if you have any such junk as a Joss about the house, I'd take it friendly if you would burn a handful of prayer-sticks in my interest."

"A life insurance company ought to employ you as a great joss, and charge people for the privilege of a mere glimpse of you." "I shouldn't think," said Richmond, "that a man who had committed murder in Nebraska would be so extreme as to pose as the president of a life insurance company." "Mr. Hammers, did you commit a murder in Nebraska?" McGlenn asked. "Oh, no."

I took them to the Joss House the temple where the Chinese pray to Confucius and other places down on Cherry Hill. But they wanted to see something hard, so I took them to a place that I thought was hard enough. If you were a stranger and went into this place and displayed a roll of "the green" you would be done up.

"The little one who strikes me as having more brains than I credit the ordinary London policeman with spoke of the evil deities of China. How did such an extraordinary topic crop up?" "In connection with the joss stick." "Yes, yes. But I don't see the inference." "Mr.

"Need we remain here? The smell of that cursed joss stick oppresses me." Then Theydon found his tongue. "If Mr. Furneaux cares to abandon his vigil, my flat is entirely at your disposal," he said. "My vigil, as you accurately describe it, has ended for the time being," said Furneaux, apparently mollified by the millionaire's surrender.

The usual passenger boat is twenty feet long by four and a half wide the size of the hotel boats we use. We got into one this morning, and as the crackers were going off from numerous boats on all sides, our woman explained that the unusually vigorous fusilade was owing to this being "Joss day." "All people go Jossee Temple this day." "Do you go?" "No; have got Jossee here on boatee." "Where?

That day Leh Shin went to his Joss and swore vengeance, though how his vengeance could be worked into fact was more than his opium-muddled brain could conceive. Vengeance was his dream by night, his one concentrated thought by day, and he came no nearer to any hope of fulfilling it.