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"They are watching the prison, Citizen," replied the sentinel, whom he had thus addressed, "lest the female prisoner should attempt to escape." With a satisfied smile, Chauvelin turned toward the Town Hall, closely surrounded by his escort. The crowd watched him and the soldiers as they quickly disappeared in the gloom, then they resumed the stolid, wearisome vigil of the night.

Mrs Nixon, shrivelled and deaf, sat in the arm-chair, watching. No responsibility now attached to the vigil, and so it could be left to the aged and almost useless domestic. She gave a gesture which might have meant anything despair, authority, pride, grief. Edwin stood by the bedside and gazed.

Round the lonely cottage the sea-mist drifted white and thick, and the darkness deepened, until as the saying goes it could have been cut with a knife. Never was there so eerie and weary and sinister a vigil.

Our Lord answered him, that it was His desire that it should be from the evening of the vigil of the day when St. Peter the Apostle was delivered from his chains, to the evening of the following day.

The alarm had instantly filled all the court windows, for it was a sleepless night a night of nervous apprehension when everyone was keeping a sad vigil. "She has killed herself," said a voice which seemed to come up from a well. "The German woman has committed suicide." The explanation of the concierge leaped from window to window up to the top floor.

September came and half sped by before Neale, with Larry and an engineer named Service, arrived at the head of Sherman Pass with pack-burros and supplies, ready to begin the long vigil of watching the snow drift over the line in winter. They were to divide the pass between them, Service to range the upper half and Neale the lower.

"Oh," she said in a whisper, "are they still here?" He told her what had happened, and suggested that they should have something to eat whilst the coast was clear beneath. She needed no second bidding, for the long vigil of the previous night had made her very hungry, and the two breakfasted right royally on biscuit, cold fowl, ham, and good water.

He drove to the Astor House, dismissed his driver with a ransom fee, and there hid himself in an upper room. When he presented himself at the half-deserted office of the Western Trading Company, upon the next morning, he was clad in unfamiliar garb. His blood-shot eyes told of a vigil of mental suffering, and he dared say nothing as he gruffly bowed when Mr.

Her heart began to thump in her bosom, and her limbs quaked under her. What could she do? What must she do? Every thought, every idea that her long vigil had suggested was swept from her mind. A blank helplessness held her in its grip. She could only wait for what was to come. The pounding of hoofs grew louder, the figures grew bigger.

These gallant and aged veterans, both of whom were wounded, whose faces were scorched by the sun and blackened with powder, whose bodies were well-nigh worn out with perpetual vigil and hand-to-hand fighting, refused stoutly to quit their post, which now was naught but a dreadful shambles filled with corpses mangled out of recognition and heads and limbs which had been torn and hacked from their bodies.