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We were then put in close con finement, on the berth-deck, under the charge of a sentry. In a day or two, the ship sailed; and off Cape Breton we met with a heavy gale, in which the people suffered severely with snow and cold. The ship was kept off the land, with great difficulty. After all, we prisoners saved the ship, though I think it likely the injury originally came from some of us.

Une élégante forme de politesse. C'est aux Indes, et un Indien rend compte au gouverneur d'une partie de chasse qui a été organisée en l'honneur d'un jeune lord de passage. "Eh bien?" fait le gouverneur. "Oh!" dit l'Indien, "le jeune Sahib a tiré divinement; mais Dieu a été très miséricordieux pour les petits oiseaux." Comme cela est finement dit!

Dat is what all de gentlemen and ladies says dat wisit here, Marm: 'What a lubly beautiful woman Miss Lunn is, dey say, 'dere is so much 'finement in her, and her table is de best in all Meriky. "'What a fool you is, Uncle Sorrow, she say, and den she larf again; and when missus larf den I know she was pleased.

"'I taut so, she said, 'why dat cook ain't fit to tend a bear trap, and bait it wid sheep's innerds." "Did she use those words?" "Why laws a massy, Massa! I can't swear to de identical words; how can I? but as I was a sayin', dere was 'finement in 'em, werry long, werry crooked, and werry pretty, but dat was all de sense ob 'em.

"I am not. Take a turnip, scrape it the same as the radish, into fine shaving, mix it with fresh mustard, and a little pepper and vinegar, and you can't tell it from t'other." "By golly, Massa, but dat are a wrinkle. Oh, how missus would a lubbed you. It was loud all down sout dere was a great deal ob 'finement in her.

"Gemmen," he remarked with condescension, "dis lady am degaged ter me durin' de 'freshments period," and he held out his arm in such a way that the massive ring glittered almost under Suky's nose. The magnet drew. His arm was taken in spite of the protests of the enamored swains. "Permit me de suggestation," continued Jeff, "dat ter a lady ob yer 'finement, dis place am not fit ter breve in.

Dis is de last voyage I ebber make in a fishin' craft. I is used to de first society, and always moved round wid ladies and gentlemen what had 'finement in 'em. Well, Massa, now I comes to de clams. First of all, you must dig de clams. Now dere is great art in diggin' clams. "Where you see little hole like worm hole dere is de clam.

"Does you tink it would be a little more better if it was a little more doner, Sar? People of 'finement, like you and me, sometime differ in tastes. But, Massa, as to de salt, now how you talks! does you railly tink dis here niggar hab no more sense den one ob dees stupid white fishermen has? No, Massa; dis child knows his work, and is de boy to do it, too.

"Well, not zactly," he said, scratching his head, "dey was dicksionary words and werry fine, for she had great 'finement bout her; but dat was de meanin' ob 'em. "'Now, Sorrow, she said, 'tell me de trut, wasn't dat soup now made of water? "'Yes, Missus, it was, said I, 'I seed it wid my own eyes.

"'Is it berry bad to swaller, sais I, 'Missus? I is most afeard it will spile the 'finement of my taste. "'Try it, sais she, and I shut to my eyes, and made awful long face, and swallowed it jist dis way. "'By golly, sais I, 'Missus, but dat is grand. What is dat? "'Clove, water, said she. "'Oh, Missus, sais I, 'dat is plaguy trong water, dat are a fac, and bery nice flavoured.