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Finally, after the spectators for some time in doubt as to their intentions, they came down the length of the room with what Monsieur called a chasse step, and curtsied gracefully hand in hand. "Well, at any rate," thought Pennie with a sigh of relief, "I shall never be able to dance well enough to do that; that's one comfort."

It was pre-eminently a city of young men of all nationalities, three-fourths constantly engaged in the chasse for money, according to their degrees here for shillings, there for sovereigns, there for thousands. In such a milieu any man has a chance who offers to deal afresh on new terms with those daily needs which both goad and fetter the struggling multitude at every step.

Beatrice's first exclamation was, "O! if papa was but here!" "Nothing can go on without him, I suppose," said Henrietta. "And yet, is this one of his great enjoyments?" "My dear, don't you know it is a part of the privilege of a free-born Englishman to delight in hunting 'rats and mice and such small beer, as much or more than the grand chasse?

On one occasion, we saw her act Henriette in Les Femmes Savantes of Moliere, and Catau La Partie de Chasse de Henri IV, an£ it was difficult to say whether most to admire the wit, and elegance, and police raillery of the woman of fashion, or the innocent gaiety, and interesting naïveté of the simple peasant girl.

There is plenty of iron, not worked, and gold has also been found in Kongsberg. Walrond had a bed and I slept in my cloak. Next day they engaged a well-organised chasse. 'Mr. Benker of Berlin, their host, purchased it from the King of Sweden for L150,000. It is the only thing on this scale in Europe. The travellers now returned to Christiania, apparently to be received by the King.

I fortunately recollected my couteau de chasse, which was by my side; with this instrument I severed the lion's head at one blow, and the body fell at my feet! I then, with the butt-end of my fowling-piece, rammed the head farther into the throat of the crocodile, and destroyed him by suffocation, for he could neither gorge nor eject it.

With me it is all ups and downs; at breakfast I am 'way up to the very top, and at dinner 'way down. After dejeuner the Master of Ceremonies inquires what you wish to do; that is to say, if there is nothing special mentioned on the programme, such as a review, or manoeuvers, or a chasse a courre, when all are expected to join. Do you wish to walk?

The joys of one's new home, of the children that began to patter about it, of every bit of furniture and blue pot it contained, each representing some happy chasse or special earning of its garden of half an acre, where I used to feel as Hawthorne felt in the garden of the Concord Manse amazement that Nature should take the trouble to produce things as big as vegetable marrows, or as surprising as scarlet runners that topped one's head, just that we might own and eat them.

The relic is taken out of the châsse, and a priest, standing on the steps of the altar high above the crowd, holds it up to be worshipped. Everyone bows low, and then, in dead silence, the mysterious object is carried into the chapel, and with this the chief religious ceremony of the year at Bruges is brought to a close.

Certain it is that men have greater confidence in themselves when they learn to fly alone from the beginning; and the Blériot, which requires the most delicate and sensitive handling, offers excellent preliminary schooling for the Nieuport and Spad, the fast and high-powered biplanes which are the avions de chasse above the French lines.