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The recent case, studied with so much ability by M. Flournoy in his book, "Des Indes

It had been our intention to stay overnight at Bandoeng, strongly recommended by Mr. Gantvoort, the courteous manager of the Hotel des Indes in Batavia, but we pressed on with the intention of devoting more time to the eastern end of the island.

The full title of the tract mentioned by Boswell is, A small Whole-Length of Dr. Priestley from his Printed Works. It was published in 1792, and is a very poor piece of writing. Johnson had refused to meet the Abbé Raynal, the author of the Histoire Philosophique et Politique du Commerce des Deux Indes, when he was over in England in 1777. Mrs. Chapone, writing to Mrs.

Raynal gives two of them for facts in his Histoire philosophique des Indes." "I did not know that," said Vernou. "What were the stories?" "One was a tale about an Englishman and a negress who helped him to escape; he sold the woman for a slave after getting her with child himself to enhance her value.

Relation des Premiers Voyages de la Compagnée des Indes, faits en l'Isle de Madagascar. Par de Rennefort. Paris, 1668. 16mo.

At the Hôtel des Indes they have an excellent orchestra, and a particularly fine 'cellist. West will enjoy showing him the Infant. They can compare babies! It will keep him amused and interested all the evening." "Good idea," agreed Dr. Dick. "But Ronnie need not come down on his wife for his hotel expenses! He is making a pot of money himself, now. You will be careful to report to Mrs.

Address: Hotel des Indes, The Hague quite a comfortable place and quite an important German espionage centre." "I gather that our man was too late." "By some hours, I should say," Clancey replied. "You see, we only got the report in from France quite late. I sent your man to watch her while I went to see Froelich. I was sure he was all right, but I wanted to satisfy myself.

Particular parts of the East Indies are specially described in the following works: 731. Nouvelle Relation d'un Voyage fait aux Indes Orientales. Par M. Dellen. Amsterd. 1699. 12mo. -Malabar, Calecut, and Goa, are particularly noticed by this author, who, being a medical man, is full and instructive on the poisonous animals, and the diseases.

You have taste, and an understanding of things! ... Besides that, you will always be able to entertain, and to stir up the most exacting, the most unyielding guests. In English, a "toff"; in American, a "swell." trans. "Die Deutsche Sprache beherrsche ich in geringerem Grade als die franzosische; indes kann ich stets in einer Salon-Plauderei mitmachen."

Those who wish to study the question of inter-racial differences of the Miao are referred to Mr. Clarke's Kwei-chow and Yün-nan Provinces, Prince Henri d'Orleans' Du Tonkin aux Indes, and Mr. Baber's works.