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An' we are convince' though tha'z not ab-out clocks, neither angels, neither lovers yet same time tha'z a moz' marvellouz manuscrip'. Biccause, you know, tha'z a true story, that 'Holy Crozz. Tha'z concerning an insurregtion of slave' there in Santa Cruz. And 'a slave insurregtion, tha'z what they ought to call it, yes! to prom-ote the sale.

Biccause madame she cann' skip ar-ound pretty light, you know, and biccause they think my, eh pull with those De l'Isle' is the moze of anybody, and biccause I require to know how they are sure 'tis uzeless any mo' for my son, or their son, than for the son of De l'Isle, to sed the heart on Mlle. Aline. Also tha'z to egsplain me why Mlle.

Chezter, 'tantine' tha'z 'auntie, an' tha'z j'uz' a li'l' name of affegtion for her, biccause she takes so much mo' care of us than we of her; you see? But that bower an' that li'l' lake, my sizter an' me we construc' them both, that bower an' that li'l' lake." Without blazoning it they would have him know they had not squandered "tantine's" hard earnings on architects and contractors.

"That was the condition when they are all graduate' from school and go each into his o'cupation, or hers, up to the eyebrow'. Mélanie and Mlle. Aline they work' with Mme. Alexandre, though not precizely together, biccause Mélanie she show' only an ability to keep those account' and to assist keeping shop, whiles Mlle.

"Oh, they make that old house look pretty good, those balconie', but tha'z a pity they were not wrought iron, biccause M. Lefevre he was rich sugar-planter could have what he choose, and she was a very fashionable, his ladie.

An' still tha'z droll you di'n' know that, but tha'z maybe biccause each one he's think another he's tol' you, and biccause tha'z not a prettie cheerful subjec', eh? Yes, they are two son' of Dubroca and Castanado, soldier', and two of De l'Isle and me, aviateur'." "And up to a few weeks ago they were all well?"

Lefevre she's rij-oice, biccause that riproach is pass' from monsieur her 'usband and pritty quick they are marrie', and tha'z my mother." After a reverent silence Chester spoke: "And lived long and happily together?" "Yes, a long, beautiful life. Maybe that life woul'n' be of a diztinction sufficient to you, but to them, yes. They are gone but since lately." "And that Lefevre house?"

Aline tha'z pretty touching, to see with what an inten-city she love'. "Now, what I tell you, tha'z a very sicret bitwin you and me. Biccause even those Dubroca', père and mère, and those De l'Isle', père and mère, they do' know all that; and me I know that only from Castanado, who know' it only from his wife; biccause she, she know' it only from Mlle.

At twilight they took seats in Jackson Square on a cast-iron bench "hardly worthy of the place," as Chester suggested. And Scipion flashed back: "Or, my dear sir, of any worthy place! But you was asking me " "About those four boys over in France, one of them yours." "Biccause sinze all day yesterday ?" "That's it. I can't help thinking that mademoiselle is somehow the cause of their going."

"You don' savvy, eh ? Wal, dat's biccause you're lak dese oder feller you're in beeg hurry to be reech. Me ?" He shrugged his brawny shoulders and smiled cheerily. "I got plenty tam. I'm loafer. I enjoy myse'f " "So do I. For that matter, I'm enjoying myself now. I think this is all perfectly corking, and I'm having the time of my young life.