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Chester, he used to say that those two marvellouz blessings, machinery, democracy, they are in one thing too much alike; they are, at first say it, you." "Vulgarizing?" "Yes. I suppose that has to be at the first, h'm?

An' we are convince' though tha'z not ab-out clocks, neither angels, neither lovers yet same time tha'z a moz' marvellouz manuscrip'. Biccause, you know, tha'z a true story, that 'Holy Crozz. Tha'z concerning an insurregtion of slave' there in Santa Cruz. And 'a slave insurregtion, tha'z what they ought to call it, yes! to prom-ote the sale.

But we 'ave the 'ope she's goin' to marry, and then !" "Have you made a will?" "Will! Ah, we di'n' never think of that! Tha'z a marvellouz we di'n' never think of that when we are the two-third' owner' of that lovely proprity there! And we think tha'z always improving in cozt, that place, biccause so antique an' so pittoresque.

"And! you did not read it through together?" "No, there was no advantage to " "Oh! advantage! Mr. Chezter, to pazz the time Aline ought to 'ave tell you that bio-graphie, yes! of our marvellouz brother an' papa. Ah, you should some day egstort that story from our too li'l' communicative girl." "Why not to-day, for the book?" "Oh, no-no-no-no-o! We di'n' mean that!" The sisters laughed excessively.

Her rapture was mated to such courteous restraint that dinginess and dishevelment were easily overlooked. "And 'ow marvellouz that is, that you 'appen to come juz' when he and us we're getting that news of the manu' " "What! accepted?" "Oh, that we di'n' hear yet! We only hear he's hear' something, but we're sure tha'z the only something he can hear!" She had begun to close the gate, but Mrs.